Building Blocks: Rebuilding Grixis

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-Lee McLeod

  1. Not sure if you realised, but your final round opponent had been drawing cards off Triumph for many turns, even as you were saying “These cards are bad, and they have been doing nothing”. Remember that Triumph reads: ‘At the beginning of your upkeep, draw a card if you control the creature with the greatest power or tied for the greatest power.”. Emphasis being on the “or tied for”. So his 3/4 Angels were drawing him cards and giving him infinite fuel against your Fettergeist. More so when he played the second triumph.

  2. R3G1 you could have sacrifised the Geist by not paying the 0 mana on ur upkeep. This would have triggered morbid and allowed you the cast tragic slip on the angel and cast the geist in your hand. Maybe i am missing something but this play would have changed the game in your favor. Well I guess thats easy to say after the game.

    By the way keep up the good work, I am really liking the videos

  3. R1G1, when you were totaling up your Devil’s Play damage (8+6), you forgot that you had an additional Devil’s Play in the graveyard. You could have killed him many turns earlier than you did. :)

  4. i cant imagine a grixis deck with so much 1cc removal not wanting to utilize snapcaster. esp in a format where snapcast chump block flashback tragic slip is probably a good play. have you done any playtesting grixis builds with snapcaster? and whatever happened to brimstone volley? is that too slow in block since AVR?

  5. Hey, you might have beat me if you knew how triumph works. Better luck next time!

  6. Interesting vids, I liked the curveball. Usually it is best to play a few games with a winning deck before making changes… but of course a single 4-0 showing in a daily doesn’t provide the same level of scrutiny as even a SCG open or GP winning deck.

    I’d like to see you tweak and try this deck again – it has some good things going for it, especially since you seemed to enjoy playing it despite the sub-standard results.

    Recording videos always comes with the risk of making mistakes in the public eye. Others have already pointed out your mistake about the Triumph. What surprises me most about it is that it means you misread the card, but also were keeping tabs on your opponents hand size. If you had been you would have noticed that he was getting more than one card a turn. This is turn would probably have prompted you to re-read the triumph in-game and adjust your play accordingly. Maybe you were a little checked out since you were “only” playing a two-man, but still…

  7. wow this is cool i dident know anybody had taken notice with my grixis list ive slowly been working on it for the past couple weeks now and I think it has mad potential hit me up online if u wanna talk about it or have any questions…some of the card choices are a bit suspect I know but it works and im trying to smooth out the mana a bit. also I tried bonfire and it was just bad because the idea of the deck is not letting them have creatures in general temblor plus curse goes a long way and nobody in block is really abusing fliers at the moment. not all my wins are from burning people out alot of the time you just drownyard them out with dissipate backup which is the safe play. but I hope you enjoyed it I ran the deck through a Premiere event but was not the best choice for a longer tournament as all my losses were to mana screw. Gl and have fun with it.
    —-David Stednitz

  8. also people ask me why fettergeist and the reason is it out classes most of the 4 drops out there and is really good against boros play or draw ive even won a few games stuck on 3 lands just having 2 fettergeist in play 3 u, 6 u, 6 u, 6 u…also it almost always nets you a nice little two for one and is an amazing card in general and I have mad love for the card and alot of the time it just sits on D and gains you life =D

  9. Btw evil twin was there for sigarda she can be a real pain in the side and I hate blasphemous act since it only helps if they have many creatures in play and lets face it if that happens your not gunna win anyway just my 2 cents if u can think of a better out let me know since tribute does not count as an out