Let’s Play (a Final) M12 Draft (and More)!

~~~<3 Click 'play' below to watch us make some mistakes! ~~~<3

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~~~<3 Click 'play' below to watch Round 1 ~~~<3

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We lost, so watch these Legacy videos from Chris’s and A.J.’s different perspectives instead! Here are our decklists:

Watch the first video below to see the first match from Chris’s perspective. The second video is from A.J.’s perspective. Then click the spoiler below that to see another match of Legacy play between us with the same decks.

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The following video is from A.J.’s perspective:

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Again, the first video below is from Chris’s perspective:

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And now from A.J.’s perspective:

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  1. …chris kool is in fax arcana? third from the left maybe?
    I can’t actually get anything else out of this video.

    I really wanted to see you brink or pascify a thran golem. would have been so good.

    and BW is easily the worst possible color combination in M12. just inherently awful.
    cards go from playable to poor and there’s so many cards that demand you be heavy in one direction or the other.

  2. just to note in game 1 of the second legacy match with merfolk you should have put the adept in play with vial before you f6′d in case you drew something useful like a force, it’s pretty unlikely but it’s still worth doing

  3. I love combos like High Tide that can just completely fizzle out. There’s something about playing a deck that can lose to itself that is just so much fun.

  4. Good call, Fred.

    Quick question: Was putting up videos from both perspectives worthwhile? Did anyone actually watch both at the same time? Obviously it’s a bit silly when Chris and I are in the same room, but would this be something we should do in the future from different rooms?

  5. i did kind of watch both at the same time (switching back and forth as you passed the turns), you definitely need to do this in different rooms, it might end up not being as good without the casual conversations between the two of you but i think it’s worth a try.

    also you should not let each other know which deck the other one is playing.

  6. So you guys make fun of rd 1 opponent for first-main-phasing stuff with a tapped out opponent, and proceed to do it yourself on your next turn?

    I don’t doubt you’re good players individually, but together your’e a neurotic trainwreck of punt

  7. I thought we mainly pointed out how he was regenerating his guy during first main phase. Also, it can be bad to first-main-phase guys even against a tapped-out opponent if playing guys gives him more information about potential blocks. If it doesn’t, then doing so isn’t a problem.

    But yes, Disco, we are a neurotic mess.

  8. and yes, there are starcraft fans watching these things. the gom shoutout was nice, but I doubt they’ll be giving you one as well.

    SotG? Day9? anyone?