Limited Resources: Return to Rise of the Eldrazi Draft #4

Marshall loves making opposing creatures into walls in this Limited Resources’ Rise of the Eldrazi draft.

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  1. Sweet deck!
    Too sad it didn’t turn out to be the heroic deck (I’ve never played Rise, and I’ve had been curious about it), but this one was so good that it makes for it and was really enjoyable to watch :)

  2. Nice deck! Could’ve searched up Mammoth Umbra M3G1 instead of Guard Duty to not only counter the Lust for War but also destroy your opponent with it in the process :)

  3. Yeah, grabbing Guard Duty for dealing with Lust of War if you have Mammoth Umbra seems stupid. You said while boarding that it help against it, but didn’t remembered that you could have maid that play. (And it wasn’t so that you really needed your mana for something important next turn anyway)

  4. An interesting different play you could have taken:
    Round 3 Game 1:
    Instead of getting Guard Duty for your Makandi Griffin, you could have gotten Mammoth Umbra and suited that up.
    Vigilance = No tapping upon attack.

    Just a thought on how to keep the pressure on

  5. Hey Marshall, I heard once that you could have searched up Mammoth Umbra instead of Guard Duty. :D

  6. Thank God you weren’t drafting monowalls again, I don’t know if your mind could have dealt with having to pass either a Vent Sentinel or OVergrown Battlement in pack 3.

  7. Nice draft, you seem to have this format pretty figured out.

    Also, surprised no one else mentioned this but R3G1 mammoth umbra seems much better than guard duty, kind of a loose play there.

    Thanks for these vids, keep it up!