M:tG Cribbs #10: Junk Reanimator in Standard

  1. Great videos as always! Just wondering if you think the list would be better if there were more Lotleth Trolls? After watching the videos and playing against the deck it feels like the troll eliminates a major weakness of the deck (having a giant 7 or 8 drop stuck in your hand). Just wondering your opinion after playing the deck yourself, and also what you would hypothetically take out for it?

    Anyway, thanks for the great content!

  2. I’m glad you guys like the videos. As for the Lotleth Troll, it is good in the deck but not in multiples, that’s why there is only two. If you do want to add another one, I would take something out that doesn’t work with the graveyard, like Restoration Angel of Centaur Healer.

  3. Great videos,appreciate the variety of decks you play for the videos and the in depth commentary you do explaining the strategy
    and thought process. Would like to seeyou run the naya blitz or gr aggro.