M:tG Cribbs #7: Standard DE w/ Boros

  1. Thanks for the vids. Given that the deck performed so poorly in the vids I would have appreciated some more extensive deconstructions on the deck’s strengths/weaknesses rather than just the last 40 secs of R4 and saying that the deck drew poorly.

    Of course, the deck *did* draw poorly, but this is the kind of deck that has to draw its spells in the right order. Best example is gather: its only powerful role is nut draw enabler. Outside of that it does nothing. It seems like adding the flexibility of boros charm in that slot might help.

    Also, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on how this deck compares to the Naya humans varient.

  2. yeah, agree with the above comment, esp the comparison to naya. Compare gather to burning tree emissary. like gather, BTE’s is best when it’s enabling CoP nut draws (although it’s nut draw is much better, enabling you to attack for 7 on turn 2), but if you don’t have the first turn CoP, it’ll almost always allow you to put 2 bodies and 4+ power on the board in a single turn which is way better than two useless 1/1s. There’s just no comparison there.

  3. Thank you for your comments PB and Robin. I really do appreciate the feedback. The reason why I chose to play this in Montreal was I felt the meta would be a lot of midrange type decks and overall creature decks. And Boros can have very fast starts. I do play 10 one drops, which means I should see one for every six cards and therefore I should have one in my opening hand. And once I get some damage in with my early threats I would be able to punch through the rest of the damage with Frontline medics, Reckoners and Hell riders. A normal hand for this deck is 2 lands, 1-2 one drops, 1-2 two drops, a removal spell and a three or four drop. And I should draw the third land in the first three turns. I feel that my best match ups are other creature decks, except mono red which is about 50/50 because they are just as fast or even faster. The bad match ups are the Bant type control decks with Supreme Verdicts, Thragtusks, and Revelations. That is why I have four Skullcracks in the sideboard.
    As for Gather the Townsfolk, you are right to say it is at its best with a Champion but it is also very good for enabling Battalion for Medic and Elite. And adding more bodies for Hell rider is very relevant too. They are also useful in racing situation when i need chump blockers and there have been times I did get to Fateful hour it and it was amazing.
    But I do have to concede that I am pretty sure the Naya Human deck is better, Burning-Tree Emissary and Mayor Of Avorbruk allow for faster starts and more explosive draws. The only thing I can see the Naya version being weaker then the Boros version is the late game. With no one card being as high impact as Reckoner or Hellrider, it is weaker against control decks playing Wrath of God type effects. That being said, I still think it is a better choice for the current metagame than Boros.

  4. In round two, you keep referring to your opponent as “he,” even though their screen name is Andrea. Magic is hugely androcentric, but the assumption of masculinity is a self-perpetuating cycle that keeps women out of the game. Just something to think about.

  5. Thanks for the comments Ryan. Including some more of those thoughts in future vids would be great!