William Huey Jensen Wins GP Oakland

From Official WotC Coverage

Capping off his comeback tour that started in Grand Prix Boston-Worchester exactly a year ago, Jensen added a punctuation mark to his resume by defeating Neal Oliver in three tense games to finish off an impressive performance at Grand Prix Oakland. Drafting and playing at a level he's been building to all year, Jensen not only celebrated his entrance into the Hall, it put the rest of the world on notice that "Huey" is a force to be reckoned with once more.

But let's not overlook his opponent in the finals, Neal Oliver, who last played in a major tournament a few months back at Grand Prix Las Vegas—a tournament he won, by the way. That makes two straight Grand Prix finals appearances for the player who wowed pros with his patience and tight play all weekend. If Oliver starts to travel more—and he says he will—don't be surprised to see him spike another Top 8 sometime soon.

And if that wasn't enough storylines, the Woo brothers, Travis and Elliott, made yet another brother-brother duo to make the Top 8 of a major tournament. Though they both fell in the quarterfinals, they spawned countless puns and rhymes during their run to the top. Woo know who woo are.

But the weekend truly belongs to Jensen, a Hall of Fame performance for a Hall of Fame player.

Congratulations, Huey Jensen, Champion of Grand Prix Oakland 2013!