Standard Spike: Intro to Modern

Modern is upon us! And there are a LOT of viable strategies and decks. As more events fire, the format will become more defined, but currently the only things we know for certain are that combo decks will be prevalent, that 12Post will be a popular choice, and that Zoo will be the go-to aggro deck (which may not be true on MTGO due to Zoo’s price tag).

With all this in mind, I’ve been focusing on two decks in the Tournament Practice room: Fast Zoo and 12Post.

Fast Zoo

Zoo is the generic name for multicolor decks that focus on beating down their opponents with small creatures and burn. This version of the deck focuses on killing its opponent as fast as possible. It features seventeen 1-drop creatures, eight of the best 2-drop creatures (ever), twelve burn spells, and two obligatory Path to Exiles for removing blockers that can’t be effectively burnt (e.g., Kitchen Finks, Knight of the Reliquary).

(This list is by no means perfect, but it’s good enough for testing purposes.)

A deck of this type sets the pace for the rest of the format. Either you need to be doing similarly fast things, or you need to have enough disruption so that you don’t succumb to this deck in the first couple turns of the game.

Turn 1 is a crucial turn for this deck. You really have to think through what you’re going to do with your lands for the rest of the game on that turn. Everything after that becomes pretty simple, as long as you can cast all of your spells.

If you want to try this version yourself, consider some of the following cards:

  1. The decks look good but next time could you post a budget friends version of Zoo or 12post?

  2. @ Malum
    You can’t really make a budget 12 post list because you need vesuva’s and they are quite pricey. You can go mono green to save some money (no gifts).

  3. It was funny to see that deck with the martyr. It has a chance against Zoo due to the lifegain, but nothing it does would be relevant against 12post.

  4. I have not yet played a game of modern, but it seems to me that Goblin Guide is better than Kird Ape/Loam Lion. Especially in a speedy version like that, you don’t really care about giving them lands and I think 2 damage>1 extra toughness.

  5. @Malum – Budgetizing Zoo is difficult because even if you cut the most expensive cards, you’ll always have to pay for the mana base. As for 12Post, going mono green should reduce the cost as well as make the deck better.

    But if those are still too expensive for you, you should try something else, maybe Living End. I’ve actually found the deck to be pretty good and it happens to be on the cheap side. My version adds up to about 110 tix. I’m not sure how much better you can do than that without sacrificing power (Check the last DE from today when it’s posted for my latest list [3-1 record]).

    @boekia – My theory is that if you’ve Zenithed for or drawn all of your targets, you should be able to win regardless of drawing and extra Zenith.

    @Steve – I actually wanted to run Goblin Guide in this version, but my friend pointed out that Goblin Guide gets outclassed by opposing 1 drops and it also would be one of the only good targets for a Punishing Fire.