Unlocking the Vault #12: Classic DE with SnapBob Fish

A few weeks back, Cownose took down a Classic DE. You can find his decklist here. Cownose ran a Fish-style Snapcaster Mage list with countermagic, disruption, and a small creature package revolving around Delver of Secrets, the mage, and Tarmogoyf. I liked the decklist a lot but thought that Dark Confidant might serve as am upgrade over the Goyfs. Confidant provides such card advantage that it in theory would overcome its smallness compared to Goyf by providing further disruption and removal. With this in mind I made a few changes to the list and shuffled up the following for the Daily Event on Thursday, November 17th:


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DE Round 1

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DE Round 2

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DE Round 3

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DE Round 4

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In my last article, I liked the idea of pointing out my mistakes in the videos, which I have tried to do this time around. I don’t profess to have caught every single mistake, and certainly there are different choices others might make which I’m certainly open to hearing.

For those keeping score at home, Classic has fired several mid-week DEs over the last few weeks. Monday, Thursday, and Friday seem to be the best days for people to join the queue in the middle of the week. In addition to the weekend events, Classic has consistently been firing 2 to 3 Daily Events each week. On top of that, each time I see new faces join the events, several of which have succeeded to finish in the money.

As I highlighted a few weeks back, this is a great time to join Classic. The final pre-Invasion block, Mercadian Masques is set to release on Dec 5th. With this release, nearly every playable card in Vintage will be available to Classic, aside from the Power 9. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Masques queues will be very active for the two weeks during release. There are several “chase” cards that should be rather difficult to find with the block being released in one shot as Block Packs. Because of this, I have a feeling that the queues should fire pretty steadily as people try to “win the lottery” of pulling a foil Tangle Wire, or foil Rishadan Port. Even regular versions of those cards should be in high demand. Of course, I could be wrong, as the Block as a whole has a bad reputation, but value drafters could look to the block as very profitable since many commons will fetch small premiums, especially foil versions of Gush, Daze, and Brainstorm.

I plan to hit the queues and will try to get in a Draft for my next article while sharing my thoughts on the Draft format. I look forward to everyone’s comments on the DE below. See you in two weeks!

Follow me on Twitter @enderfall
Member of Clan Magic Eternal

  1. 14:30 of the first video you decide not to attack, which is probably pretty wrong. he has to block or he dies, and if he does block, his bridges get exiled and he has to find a new bridge or ghast to do anything else. you can see he’s pretty close to “going off” soon anyways, so I would have taken the risk.

    looks like a silly value deck without much direction. never been a fan of “good stuff” decks but I love the Classic videos, so keep up the good work. I anticipate the draft and poking fun at you for it.

  2. Thanks for the videos, but you were missplaying quite a bit; for example R1G1: you should check who is the therapy’s target before responding; also you had a chance to flip your delver for free way sooner, when the force was on top you could stack delver’s trigger last, so it flips revealing force, and then you fetch in response to bob’s trigger to avoid taking 5dmg.
    I also agree that you should have attacked in that game, just leave back enough to not die the next turn and you also have bolt to stop an aditional guy (like the ghast he dredged), next turn you swing again and win.

  3. R2G1: You could Spell Pierce the Oath instead of Forcing it removing a pierce, he already had used a misstep, and in case he had it you still had force backup.

    The rest of the games were good, congratz for the result.

  4. you do know that the window on the right and the spell on the stack both show you who/what a spell is targeting.
    almost stopped watching after no attack w/ bob, then stopped watching after saw you durdle around in response to the 2nd cabal therapy.

    at least you have nice cards though.

  5. Thanks for the comments. I don’t know what everyone is confused about in with regards to M1G1 at 14:30. The math does not work. Even with bolt, my opponent needed only block a single Bob or Snapcaster to stay alive and win the following turn. He had a Dakmor Salvage in his hand that he dredged earlier, so those 2 Bloodghasts would have hit the table next turn with haste and I would lose to 3 tokens and 2 ghasts. Only chance that I had was for him to not block so that I could bolt him for the win, which was questionable as it sends a clear signal that I have something since I would open myself up to an obvious loss…. Am I missing something there?

    My apologies for not paying attention to the game text window. I typically ignore that part of the screen, especially when recording as I have a difficult time speaking and reading something else at the same time. My brain just doesn’t work well when trying to do both, lol!

  6. In hindsight though, I was playing to not lose instead of trying to win. I guess that is my fault on that play.

  7. Of course, I don’t know how to read a calendar and since my next article is due on Dec 6th I won’t be able to get in a draft on the 5th and submit in time for my deadline. Nonetheless, I’ll try and find something entertaining for my next article!!

  8. Watching these videos makes my head hurt.

    M1G1: Swing with three Insectile Aberrations. Hold back three blockers. He can, at most, swing in with seven guys. You’re at eight. He’s at nineteen. You could’ve won so easily.

    As far as “not paying attention to the chat box”, you could always hover your pointer over Therapy to see who it’s targeting.

    So many sloppy play mistakes. I was excited to find Classic MTGO videos, now I don’t even want to watch them. Thanks.