Alara Block Limited Card Review: Black

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  1. My favorite part of these are when you guys discuss how a card changes in value in the block packs as compared to the ACR drafts instead of focusing on the tiers – but sometimes you miss on key cards. For example, Corpse Conniseur was amazing in AAA because you could afford to pick it high it in packs two and three if you found yourself with several unearthers. While he is fringe playable by himself, being able to have a better idea of where your deck stand *before* picking him is key. Thanks to the block packs you can do this again.

    Glaze fiend is another guy that regained some of his AAA power in the block packs, not a “tier 4-5″ card anymore – though he was in ACR.

    Similarly, there were a few “build around me” cards in Reborn and Conflux that rarely saw the light of day because you can’t (or at least shouldn’t) plan on getting a specific uncommon/rare in pack 2-3.

    If you haven’t already recorded the rest of this series this is the stuff that I would like to hear more about.