Anything But: A Request Fulfilled

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  1. On FiendClops: “That aside I think the deck got mildly stronger, but high popularity of it will be more a result of shiny-new-toy syndrome as opposed to the deck’s power level. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

    In my opinion the deck went from being terrible to being very good. I strongly disagree about the “mildly” part of the above quote. :-)

  2. I do believe that is the largest slice of the pie that rogues have taken since I’ve been reading your articles. That is exciting!

  3. I was told that “clopsfiend” is actually called Eye Candy, after the cyclops and all the draw spells acting like candy for him. Also I agree with Hiveking, the deck is very close to being tier 1. All the sideboard options boost it heavily compared to all the other combo style decks out their atm. Not that it has to win that way. 4/2, 4/4 and 3/2 flyers are good beats.

  4. I do realize that I should probably have presented a few arguments if I wanted to discuss it, but all I have is my own experience. In all likelyhood the reason it’s performing so well at the moment is just as much that the metagame is a lot more friendly towards Clops et. al. as the creature upgrade. For what it’s worth I’ve thrown a couple of version of it through 4 dailies and either 3-1′d or 4-0′d all of them. (Small sample size I know…)