Anything But: The Hive Mindset

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  1. I keep coming up against slivers with my budget goblins deck and i always lose. I was wondering if there are any budget red cards that are good at beating sliver decks.

  2. I question whether Virulent Sliver actually speeds up any of these decks significantly. It only helps if you have it in multiples, or if your haven’t already pushed through a lot of damage with other, big slivers. I mean, it doesn’t give your slivers infect, just poisonous 1.

  3. Virulent Sliver is really useful against any deck with Ghostly Flicker + Glimmer Post, or even Elves with their occasional life gain shenanigans. It can, in addition, make your slivers quite deadly even after all your lords have been killed, assuming you got in for a few good early attacks and added some poison counters.

  4. @planet. You are right that virulent doesn’t do much unless it is in multiples, however when it does show up in multiples it is scary as all hell. Not to mention that it is a 1/1 body for G that can benefit from the lords as a turn two bear with an additional ability. I would easily count this in most sliver decks.

    What I’m surprised at is that not a single deck had the non-sliver sliver, avian changeling.

  5. re virulent: while it isn’t the speed of infect, speed is speed and that can give an edge at least against the slower games of many 8-post decks…. god help us if they ever decide that printing an infect sliver is a good idea………..

  6. @Greystone
    Same here. I was looking for changelings in these decks, too.
    Changeling Sentinel for defense
    Avian Changeling or Game-Trail Changeling for offense
    Even the simple Woodland Changeling is Bears Plus.
    If you’re doing the red splash, you could try Fire-Belly Changeling or War-Spike Changeling, too.

    I’m trying to build a Sliver Commander deck, myself, and I’m going to fill some holes with Changelings. My main issue is trying to figure out whether to use Sliver Queen (create), Sliver Overlord (search), or Sliver Legion (pump) as the Commander. (They are all going in, of course, and I’m leaning towards the Legion as Commander.)

  7. the problem with reins is the cost…. a four cost spell in a deck that is 90% 2 drops and lower is overcosted for the curve

  8. The thing about Virulent Sliver and Metallic Sliver is that they are a turn 1 sliver. Now that you have 12 2-drop lords it seems that much more important to have a 1-drop critter. Also, because you have no 3 drops, 1-drops are great to play along side one of your 2-drops on turn 3. Even without abilities I’m pretty sure you want to play the 1-drop slivers.

  9. That safewright quest card is going in my next iteration of design mistakes. It’s like a counterable terramorphic expanse. The times when it could be better than an expanse are so minimal, that the card just should never see play.

  10. Except in 8 (or 6 or whatever)-land Balustrade Spy. And even then there are 3 better 1 or 0-mana land fetchers.