Building Blocks: Selesnya Aggro in RTR Block Constructed

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  1. Good to see that you’re playing something other than the bant control deck that seems to be dominating the format. I’m not sure that this still doesn’t just lose to that deck, but it certainly has a better chance than the more midrangey (keyrune, armada worm etc.) selesnya decks that were around in the early stages of the format.

    I wonder if this isn’t just better with a blue splash though? Replace arrest with detention sphere, justicar with lyev skynight and get a few more sideboard options? Idk if the mana would make it stumble too often, although the only GG card in the deck is trostiani in the board, so I feel like it could cope.

    I also feel like civic saber would maybe work in the deck as a way to develop the board without overextending? Not sure what to cut for it, although tbh I’m not sure how good the guildmage is in a more agressive deck – it’s very much a late game card.

  2. Liked the movies, i think i’ll try the deck in some dailies. Gave up on the format due to Sphinx Revelation dominance. maybe 4 rootborb defenses gives this a shot.

  3. I just ran a list through a daily – changed some stuff (don’t need those Justicars, right?). 1 Trostani in md as only 4 drop, got rid of rogue’s passage (so, my 4/4 get’s aunblockable for 5 mana in a deck that has ton of cheap drops and mana sinks AND is very mana-colour hungry, good deal?). Threw in 2nd needle to main (targets in every deck, even aggresive: sabre, flailer, troll).

    Deck felt strong and quite forgiving: even after two verdicts i still had some game against UW. Went 3-1 beating 2x Rakdos (turn 2 pack rat on play among them) and 1x UW, losing to rakdos (god topdeck party with empty hand: removal, removal, instinct, against my land, land, dork g2 i never drew green with 2 centaurs in hand).

    Overall thanks foir bringing me back to block :D