Captain, My Captain: Tips of the Trade

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  1. It is, which after reading it I was like whoa, however, its fairly consistent.
    Plus as I stated, I’m still playing with it. I add and take away everyday. Beacon would be a nice, yet expensive add.

  2. I love Mono Green so much. I played it in 100cs. So many bomby dudes that are cheap. Baru, Vigor, Woodfall Primus. Maybe I’m just a chubby chaser, but those are my favoritist mens of all times!!!

  3. Me too, thats why the list is ever changing. I get an idea and I act on it.I think its gonna evolve into a Baru/Kamahl deck soon. I love mana accel, and having the most mana out early in any format. lol

  4. OMG!!! This has long been a dream of sheer hilarity I’ve hoped to see to fruition! Catatattack!

  5. Oran-Rief, the Vastwood seems like it should be here.

    Also … have you thought about Snow-Covered Forests to tech-out your Extraplanar Lens? Keep all that mana to yourself : )

    ~ good read

  6. OMG, so its sick…ive added a top, the tower, and baru, and just dominated 2 monoblack and a U/r I also added mold shambler, but the deck was amazing!!!! DP, im proud of ya. though yes hunting cheetah and kamahl need a place, but screw the elf weaklings…