The full set is now spoiled! See which of the new cards RexDart thinks could make the cut in Legacy, Modern or Vintage.
Category Archives: Article
RexDart plays a Modern adaptation of one of his all-time favorite Standard decks: The Aristocrats!
RexDart is back with a look at Magic Origins for the eternal formats. Will the final “core set” in the game’s history be a dandy or a dud?
With Modern on everyone’s mind this summer, RexDart returns to the format to take a look at a variety of decks built around his favorite new card: Collected Company. And be sure to check out this week’s matchplay videos with a Naya CoCo list!
RexDart recounts his recent trip to Indianapolis for the StarCityGames Legacy Open and a Modern $5K. There’s nothing like the horrors of a large paper Magic tournament to make you truly appreciate MTGO.
This week, RexDart revisits the Modern format after a long hiatus. How do you attack a format with such a variety of proactive strategies?
RexDart takes a look at some recent and upcoming developments in Legacy and Modern. What did the Pro Tour tell us about Modern? Will GP Richmond change the landscape of eternal Magic? Will upcoming reprints be a shot in the arm for online Legacy?
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