Common Practice: Horror Flicks

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  1. Does it work? The effect of the wall flickering back into play triggers while Ghostly Flicker is still on the stack…making it impossible to put Ghostly Flicker back into your hand with the wall…at least i’m pretty sure. Please correct me if i’m wrong!

  2. You’re correct that the ability triggers when Flicker is on the stack, but a trigger is only put on the stack when a player receives priority and that would be right after the Ghostly Flicker resolved and was put into the graveyard.

  3. @ Kainius. It does work, when the walls ability goes onto the stack, flicker has already resolved and is in the graveyard, ready to be brought back to your hand.

    I prefer a combo involving 2 izzet boiler works, Mnemonic Wall, Cloud of Faeries, Ghostly Flicker and a grapeshot. Generate infi mana then grapeshot them for the win – 6 card combos are the best! ;)

  4. I just shared this over at MTGSalvation as someone is working on a deck similar to this but, they had came up with some other ideas. Good article. Looking forward to the next one.

  5. Am I the first one to say that the second deck only has 56 cards? Nice work.

  6. just did my first combo with this deck. game ended in concede by opp. Maybe grim harvest could be stuffed in there somewhere, to ensure the combo against heavy removal decks???

  7. but the undying thingy kinnda does that in a way…. hmm. maybe it’s just me, i just love post decks with gharvest :D