Common Practice: Pauper Brewing in the New Ravnica

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  1. Hi there. The Decks look fine but I have 2 Questions about the Enchantment-Deck.

    First: Where is Rancor? It´s one of the best enchantments green can have and gets your 10/10 ledgewalker through the cloud of faires and such.

    Second: What about Fertile Growth. It just fits the theme but it costs 2…so maybe it´s to slow for it.

    Also is there a possibility to contact you. I´m getting into Pauper right now and would like to hit you with 1 or 2 of my current decks I´m testing if possible.

    And not to forget: Thanks for the content you provide for us!

  2. I’m not a big fan of the aura deck or populating (mostly personal preference … I don’t really like attacking) but they seem like fun times.

    The mill deck though, totally have to agree about durdling and defenders – if only because when you’re winning you get to spend so much longer winning :-)
    And any deck rocking Wall of Kelp as one of its main engines is just too cool for words.

  3. Thanks for the comments!

    Snorri, the man reason I did not include Rancor was because of the space, but I don’t think it was necessarily correct to leave it out. Part of my thinking was that unlike in Infect and Stompy, this deck does not really plan on having creatures die often, so you rarely get to benefit from multiple uses of it. But even without getting multiple uses out of it, +2/+0 and trample for one green is strong, so the deck should probably include a few copies. I do think that the main reason to play it is for the trample, and once a creature has trample (either with Rancor or an Armadillo Cloak), the other copies of Rancor are significantly less effective. Anyway, I think it can definitely be included in place of a combination of Aura Gnarlids, Crystalizations, or Snake Umbra.

    And to be honest, I completely forgot about Fertile Growth. It can definitely replace Wild Growth, or something else, depending on how much the mana base needs help. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Pixie, I’m glad you like the UG deck too. From the brainstorming I’ve done with it (no pun intended), it seems like it may potentially be a viable deck. I’m really looking forward to testing this one out in particular.

  4. Also, Snorri, my MTGO username is ThePolkaMan. Feel free to add me as a buddy and send me a message whenever I am online.

  5. “Complemented.”
    1. Add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect.
    2. Add to or make complete.

    Complimented means something else. FWIW

  6. Just tried out the aura deck a few times in casual games on mtgo and so far it’s absolutely filthy. Ethereal Armour is a fantastic addition too.

  7. And agree w/ Snorri on Rancor. Cut 1 each of Gnarlid, Crystallization and Snake Umbra to try out 3 rancor.