DeckTech Instructions and Feedback

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  1. hiya love the deck tool, but i can you make a seach bar thats constantly present?

    kind of like google, so instead of clicking on basic or advanced search you can just go to the search bar and search again after the intial search.

    Thanks :)

  2. actually nvm, the search bar at the top of the website above all the directories works fine for this.

  3. so you don’t provide exposure to the extended format? maybe that’s why it’s dead

  4. Hi , i can’t load the deck which downloaded from the decktech , downloaded file has no extension ..

  5. I’ve been playing around here for a few minutes and I’ve noticed a couple of things:
    -The Wizards tournament ID used to be present, but I don’t see it anymore
    -The Advanced Search by date doesn’t seem to be working. I chose Standard as the format, then entered 1/1/2013 to 1/8/2013 as my date range. When I clicked search it returned the most recent decks (dated 2/13/2013 and 2/12/2013)
    -I don’t see any way to flip through pages in the search results
    -I tried using the Advanced Search and searching for Standard Daily in the Event Name and received a runtime error.