Dime a Dozen #36: Right on Queue

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  1. Having Trinket Mage in the Metal deck providing a Borderland Ranger/Stoneforge Mystic/Ranger of Eosesque split card sounds awesome and leads to additional sideboard flexibility if you ask me.

  2. I also really like the UR control list, and I think it is strong against the expected field. I am on a slightly different list with less card draw and more action. I have Frostburn Weird instead of Delver; they’re better blockers until it’s time to turn sideways. You lose the aggro angle then, ofcourse. Instead of Preordain and Compulsive Research (which I don’t like too much because you want to draw lands too) I run more removal (curse of chains, staggershock, rolling thunder) and Pristine Talisman: both the lifegain and the mana are useful. I like the sideboard actually: you have bad MU against GW Hexproof, Tron and hyperaggro decks. GW hexproof is a lost cause, but the other two can be turned around. I myself run hyroblasts instead of pyroblasts for that reason.

  3. Thanks for looking at my list Jason. The burn matchup is actually quite difficult when they add electrickery and curse can just wear you down as you don’t apply much early pressure. But that is not the only reason it is there. Wee fiend is a terrible matchup and COP: red is one of the best cards vs them.

    The rest of the sb is solid though and those 3 slots could easily become prismatic strands.

  4. Jashin – Nice input! I agree with you that Trinket Mage is an effective and flexible toolbox card. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him pop up more in this kind of a shell.

    Reinaldo – Awesome! Please keep me posted on your experimentation and findings.

    Monk1410: No problem :) — I’m glad you could share your insight on COP: Red. Congrats on your results with the deck!