1. One should not forget, Clout is actually good on a Insectile Aberration. What beats a 4/3-shroud-flyer?

    And speaking of Blighted Agent…
    You have to pair Unstable Mutation with him!

  2. I’m just gonna riff here and ramble out interactions…This is probably painfully obvious, but Overgrown Battlement with Axebane Guardian. Taunting Elf with Nightshade Peddler in elves, could be nice with Timberwatch Elf. Do Pyromantics or Leap of Flames copies cause additional pump triggers for the Cyclops or Dragonaughts? If so then Heroic Red could possably be Heroic Izzit.

    Also, Joshin, you’re a dirty man….Delver and unstable mutation….shame on you…bringing that interaction back to get Delver banned in pauper…good show (=

  3. That red deck needs lavadarts – The two-headed hound seems like a ‘win more’ card to me, at 3cc, very wishful it seems. Interesting ideas…

  4. Kainius – Unfortunately the copies won’t pump further.

    deluxeicoff – I briefly considered Lava Dart, but should have looked into it more. What would you replace Two-Headed Cerberus with?

  5. Why haven’t read this article sooner. Was looking for an addition for my jund control deck and Nightshade Peddler + rakdos ickspitter might just be that little interaction i was looking for