Dime a Dozen #4: Now with More Birds!

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  1. R4G1
    A few places I disagreed with:
    Play your creatures post combat, your opponent is the one who gains information when you play them early, not you.
    The turn you unmake the mulldrifter, just swing your 3 loyal cathars into it and offer a trade. Save your unmake for a situation where you aren’t profiting from a trade already (like the crusher!)
    The turn after crusher, instead of bouncing a land, bounce an unholy Cathar!
    Also, I’d probably swing 3 Unholys into the crusher, let him block 1, then boucne and replay 1 to sacrifice. He has to attack and then next turn you are attacking for 6. If he has lots of removal you aren’t winning anyways, but if he doesn’t, sitting back with guys that can’t block isn’t the road to victory.
    Like my dad always says, “Son, always go for the throat or I’ll disown you!”

  2. Kyle – Thanks for overviewing the game, I’ll have to review those plays. Also: great quote! Your dad must play a lot of black instants.

  3. ownage – Thanks for watching! Let me know if you have any suggestions for the future.

  4. M2G2 the spell he used targets an artifact or creature HE controls, so not as narrow as you thought for getting around your bearer. Thanks for the vids!

  5. Mental_Magic – Oh, that’s interesting. Thanks!

    Yikes – Good to hear! Thanks for commenting.

  6. In M1G1 when you played Kor Skyfisher on the flipped Loyal Cathar, why didn’t you attack first with it (since it was 2 toughness anyway from Armorer)? Only reason I can see is in case opponent had a pump spell and you didn’t want to lose Cathar, but eating his last spell seemed about the same value anyway.

  7. Also Jason since you seem to know a lot about Pauper, what is your view of standard pauper becoming a thing? I say pro: gets more people into it, con: dilutes current/potential player base.

  8. Game 1 rd 1 when he ground swells his wolf you could have used the
    Icatian Javelineers to kill the wolf in response

  9. Question 1 – At the time I didn’t want to risk losing the Cathar in combat. Afterwards I decided that (I think) attacking would’ve been better regardless. A key theme behind a lot of my mistakes is that I don’t send enough pawns into the red zone. Gonna work on that, thanks!

    Question 2 – I’ve tried to get into Standard Pauper, but personally I think it might be a little dull at the moment. I think the limited card pool hurts it a bit. I do like that it is cheap, and helps players build up a collection for both Standard and Pauper, though.

    tommy2tall – This is true, though I wanted to preserve my Javelin counter and instead use my life total as a resource. Good observation!

  10. I think you should keep better track of your Javelineers. Ive just watched M1G1 and im pretty sure u had 3 missplays there:

    #1 once you couldve killed his Wolf with the Javelineer to fizzle his Groundswell (this is debatable but i think a javelin counter is less worthy than 5 life)
    #2 second you couldve killed the wolf to save your armorer when he doubleblocked (u clearly shouldve kept the armorer above the counter in my eyes)
    #3 you clearly missed out on the attack with the Cathar when u played the Skyfisher but some1 already mentioned that (get in there! when hes at 0 u win the game – why hesitate?)

    Anyways i liked the deck very much props for that!

  11. Crimson Acolyte gives UR post fits if you’re looking to improve you’re sb against them, it also helps with the goblin mu not that that needs much help. Obviously serrated arrows is good against it, but arrows is always going to be good against ww. I recommend a few copies in the board if you keep having problems with post.

  12. eXc – Thanks for your comments, though we’ve already gone over most of your nitpicks. You’re probably right about saving the Armorer there. Glad you like the deck, I think it’s pretty cool too!

    Donzo – I will consider it, though Acolyte does get hosed pretty good by Arrows (as you mentioned) and Capsize. All the Post lists are also running Echoing Truth main now as well. With this particular list I think leaving up protection mana instead of playing out creatures is not the best use of a turn. I could be wrong though.