Dime a Dozen #61: Krark-Clan 2-Mans

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  1. M1G2, when he attacks with both Mongrels, it’s imho correct to block with Forger, too. If he wants to save both Mongrels, he needs to discard his whole hand, giving you an easy win, the moment you find a red source.

    His best shot is to kill your Forger, which means he also discards three but instead you end up with -1 Forger +1 Frogmite +2 life while he ends up with -1 Mongrel, which is kinda similar to the other boardstate but with 2 more life on your side.

    So best case: win, worst case: similar outcome

  2. Jason, it appears that even though it’s a new year, you still retain the same bad habits of old – your obstinate personality that refuses to compromise, admit your mistakes, and learn from them. What has hurt your ego so much in your life that you cannot take criticism?

    As I told you in the previous “installment” (and I use that term very loosely; posting a few videos of your questionable plays in 2-mans does not an article make): an “article” that has no words, barring the spoiler of what decks you are going to face, is not only a piss poor attempt at writing, but it is also an insult to the readership fanbase at large.

    You may ignore my comments and, worse, FascistPlanet may remove my comment even though it is fully within my rights to dislike this “article” in an attempt to whitewash this site with use of Nazi style censorship, but the fact still remains constant and obvious to all those with eyes to see – your attempt at producing new content looks lazy, uninspired, insipid, and, quite frankly, completely offensive. To use a metaphor, if you don’t feel like cooking, then don’t cook at all – don’t crap in a bun and call it a hamburger, thinking nobody would notice or care. This is a disgrace. What kind of site is this?

    Jason, our self-anointed “Doctor” Pauper, who gave you your license to practice? The old adage of doctors who treat the illnesses of others but neglect themselves seems appropriate: if your ego, good “doctor”, is so damaged and traumatized that it cannot take the criticism that you should – you know – actually write articles if you want to call yourself a writer, perhaps you should look in the mirror, ponder the arc of your tumultuous life, seek out the actual expertise of other physicians and perhaps, if need be, consult a psychiatrist who could give Doctor Pauper corrective medicine.

    Compatriots, since Jason won’t offer anything new aside from a tired archetype list being played in a 2-man, then allow me to bestow some real Dime-a-Dozen wisdom: if your new years resolution is to become an esteemed writer like Jason, let me teach you how – netdeck a cheap list from a cheap format, play the cheapest sanctioned tournament possible, then post videos of your shaky plays, then call it a day. And judging by how quickly you got kicked from writing for StarCity, I am not alone in thinking this. Too bad this “Academy” doesn’t have similar regard for standards or quality.

    Of course, Jason, if you aren’t interested in becoming a good writer or good player, you can at least apologize for previously referencing a racist movie – Bebe’s Kids, the first movie in history to feature an all-black cast and discriminate against white people – if you want to show us that in this new year, you aren’t the same old monkey flinging his fetid poo around, be it related to magic or in life. I am for equality among all races – are you?

  3. Slug should be banned if you can. His posts are pure trolling ignore him. These were solid vids. Thanks.

  4. To be fair, Slug’s got a point with the quality of the recent posts. But obviously the comment is out of place…

  5. Jason,
    Thanks for the vids.

    Please use the energy you spend on your comments to write pauper articles.
    I would be glad to read/watch them.
    “Criticizing is always easy, it’s the doing that’s difficult” (Philippe Destouches)


  6. SLug – I see your point, but in defense of JM, he never labeled it an ‘article’ – think of it like the various video coverage of GP’s round/round coverage etc…,

    I’m a fan of the written word as well. Additionally, it’s hard for me to NOT ‘auto-label’ these efforts as ‘lazy’ – (at least from a writers perspective), but that’s like me getting mad that my bicycle doesn’t get good gas mileage! Bikes don’t use gas, and this effort never said it was an ‘article.’ I feel your criticism would hold a lot more water if he claimed it was an ‘article’ – but he never did as far as I can see…correct me if I’m wrong. Had he labeled it a ‘video diary’ or something like that, would you have a problem with it then?

    I’m on neither side…but from an outsiders perspective, you really seem like your gunning personally for him…whether this is accurate or not, the perception is there.

  7. Doesn’t work for me – when I go to root menu and select ‘articles’ his isn’t there, just on the front page.

  8. Slug is a foolish fool. I like vids, I prefer if the player wins but you don’t have to, I like seeing rogue or rogue-ish decks.

  9. Foolish fool? What a commanding grasp you have of the language, Burt.

    “I like seeing rogue or rogue-ish decks” and then you talk about how you enjoyed the videos of the quirky obscure new deck in Pauper that is Affinity. Truly a pioneering decklist.

  10. @slug360 how can you make a claim of racial equality after your frankly disgusting comments on the LR draft? http://www.mtgoacademy.com/limited-resources-holiday-cube-2/ It’s pretty clear you’ve got issues, and you’re long-winded, faux-polite rhetoric does little to hide your biases. It’s clear you don’t like Jason’s work. Whatever. Walk away. You’re actively trying to make this place unpleasant for him, and succeeding in making it pretty unpleasant all around.

    Jason, man, I can’t believe how toxic the internet can be. As Bryan Stevenson says “Keep your eye on the prize, hold on.”

  11. Interesting videos, the deck is certainly interesting and I do really like Krak-Clan in Affinity, but I find that the best card with it is Flayer Husk and the lack of it in this list is quite strange. Not only is flayer husk a great card just regularly in Affinity, the ability to wipe any 1/1s and deal 1 damage each turn is fantastic and helps shore up some of Affinities worst match-ups. I would at least take out 1 land and the terrarions for the Flayers.

    Either way, thanks for the content!