Dime a Dozen #78: Those Who Can’t Do, Teachings

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  1. Sphinx’s Tutelage seems to be better than Curse of the Bloody Tome in every way, or am i mistaken?

  2. Don’t be so disappointed about losing to mono U fish. ObZen gets beaten up all the time by it in the PCTs, it’s just an horrendous matchup.

    Actually, what do you think of that deck? I think it has a positive matchup against a lot of things on the field.

  3. Blessproof – I appreciate the reassurance!

    I can only speak from my perspective as the Dimir player, and what seems to make that deck difficult is that it plays out like the Affinity matchup does (because they can power out multiple guys a turn), except the Affinity deck is far softer to edicts. This deck has a lot of small guys to soak up the edicts with. I’m not sure how it matches up against the field, so maybe I’ll have to do some information gathering.

    Thanks again for the comment!