Dime a Dozen #9: Finding the Fundamental Turn

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  1. 2/2 for 3 does not seem like the best beater ever, i think you might be too afraid of removal.

  2. Hi! You’re right, he isn’t the “best beater ever.” I’m open to your suggestions for a replacement if you have any.

  3. i have been testing your deck and i really love. i found that the addition of: 2-mesmeric fiends,3 tortured existence, 3 carrion feeders, and 4- stinkweeds helped the deck agianst the blue decks. i cut the decay(more for cost),1-lanowar, 1-ranger, the fydorns, 1- primal 2-forest,1- centaur; these changes do though change the FT of the deck. OH, in my opinion it would be great to see some videos and see your thinking of the deck.sorry to b0ther if these comments do not help.

  4. Harley – Thanks for your feedback! I’d like to do some vids with the deck if more ppl are interested.

  5. i tried your deck out a little and replaced the 2-2 for 3 with trusted forcemage and the 3-3 for 4 with a mix of wild leotau, simian grunt and nantuko vigilante, those were pretty much the best creatures i could find for the mana cost, the deck still feels a little slow though, it seems like the FT is a little later than 3 which is a problem.

  6. asaddsxf – Thanks for the info! You may be right, but did you ever try the original build? Not much is going to block the flanking guy in the early turns, and you can curve out better without needing to pay the upkeep for Simian Grunts etc. I feel like I explained how my list operates, so altering the curve and damage output seems like it will naturally yield differing results.

  7. i did try the list you posted and felt a little underpowered (which i tried to fix by literally adding more power XD ) and yes it is true that the flanking guy is hard to block but it is not that much harder to block than a 3-3 forcemage (better against bonesplitter+squadron hawk though) and it deals less damage if it gets through, i don’t have that good of a grasp on the pauper format so i don’t know for sure if the shroud part is that much more relevant but forcemage feels very strong to me. that said just playing both might be good.

    After playing more with it simian grunt is not as strong as i thought he would be, the 4 toughness is very rarely relevant so there is really no point in just playing something smaller but with no echo cost, wild leotau and vigilante however are pretty good i feel, the drawback on leotau has been very irrelevant every time i’ve had him (not that many admittedly only a 1 of) and blowing up enchantments and artifacts with vigilante has been surprisingly good against the more fringe decks (it won me games vs the ancestral mask deck and the tortured existence deck)

    If you are going to keep the 3-3 hexproof you might want to consider rancor for the deck which would also help the mana dorks get through for more damage.

    Looking forward to hearing more about your development of the deck in your future articles :)

  8. at first glance…this looks like a pile of dog doo..but after playing it, it’s really got some teeth! I have no problem beating affinity, thus the inclusion of ‘hate’ vs. affinity is invalid imo. My current sideboard is this: 4 duress, 4 fog, 3 thermokarst, 4 scattershot

  9. Nice article and fun looking deck!

    Not sure if this is even a good card, but how about Rite of Consumption? Gives you some reach and something to do with your fading out Blastoderms?

    Rancor seems sweet though.

    Thanks for the content, a daily with this deck would be sweet!

  10. RFOX – I appreciate the suggestions. Not sure about Rites, but Rancor would probably help force through some damage.