Dime a Dozen #98: Five Rounds with Rally

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  1. Nice deck, very fun to watchdeck. How about a couple maineeck retrace spells to prevent flood ?

  2. Any alternate wincons other than Rally and possibly Ramosian? I play a similar version of the deck (missing a few staples due to being extremely cheap) that foregoes maindeck protection (Lumi, Prismatic) in favor of Raid Bombardment and Brimstone volley. I found that most people aren’t ready to deal with something so fast and unexpected as Rally so I save my protection for SB when needed in the form of Shields of Velis Vel, thus protecting a sudden blowout at instant speed.

    I know it’s probably heresy or something to post another website here but I’ll attach the list link if you’re interested. Thanks for playing unique decks such as this.
