Forcing the Will: Merfolk

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  1. R1G3 you should have countered the dark ritual!, oh well, at least you got epic killed by an emrakul

  2. Why did u cut seasinger and threads of disloyality of the sb?
    Seasinger gives you the mirror as your second Llawan does but is useful in others matchups too. reanimator… stealing big guys… bouncing progenitus is good but it is too small nowadays ^^
    And threads puts tarmogoyf on your side (forever).

    Nice article!
    I’d like for next one baneslayer control deck, its quite new and of the spanish army in the bazaar of moxen too.

  3. @ Milkshake75: Commander has proven to be quite the handy Merfolk allowing players to utilize their spare mana to gain board positions.

    @Aznsilly: I know I realized this mistake after I had passed my chance to counter it, but I was trying to see if I could get him to empty his hand out and try to counter an Ad Nauseam. Oh well move on and learn from our mistakes, but I should have known better.

    @xecho: The reason don’t play Singer or Threads is that in my opinion they are way too slow for the Legacy format we have now. With Goblin Guide Zoo has become so much fast and being able to drop a turn 1 vial and fallow up on turn 2 by stealing one of their creatures to use as a beater or blocker can allow you enough time to gain control of the game. Singer isn’t a sideboard card I would play just because it’s too situational for me. There was a time when I used Threads, but Threads just doesn’t do the job it needs to right now. Also about the Baneslayer control deck I have seen such decks, but could you please send me a link and I will see what I can do with it :)

    Thanks for all the comments guys I appreciate it!

  4. I think merfolk is important in legacy as well as in classic, with your help i came in 4th in classic challenge this week, think you for recommending merfolk :)

  5. You took Kira out against Landstill in the last round and in your decktech you talk about how it’s good against Zoo and Landstill, but not red (and you do take it out against red as well).

    If it’s not good enough against Landstill, then it’s just good against Zoo. If you agree with that…then shouldn’t it be in the sideboard instead?
    You took them out every chance you got these 4 rounds, and with good reason. Aren’t they just too narrow for the meta? Or was it just the random opponents you had today?

    And in my personal opinion Spell Pierce > Dispel.

  6. @ G.O.: Congrats on the win bud glad that this article helped you out :)

    @ Zage: It’s true I said that Kira is good against Landstill, but it only really helps against Jace and Ghastly Demise. Seeing as How I didn’t see either of them the first game against Landstill so I decided that it would be safe to board them out and go for the quick win with more options to counter his spells. I was expecting to face a lot of Zoo since the previous Daily I did I faced Zoo 2 out of the 4 rounds, and since Death and Taxes was the most played deck at the time of this recording it would be optimal in mainboard. I do agree a lot of times Spell Pierce is better than Dispel, but Dispel can hold its own being that it just straight up counters instants which I was expecting to see lots of as well. Like I mentioned it all comes down to personal preference.

  7. @ Menace13 : I’ll cover that all in my next article and thanks for the decklist link I’ll look into it more when I get back home :D