1. thank you a lot for finally making a video, im looking forward to see more in the future

  2. Chick, Mono Black and this deck are completely different and doing different things, so saying that Mono Black is much better than this deck would be like saying that Goblins is much better than Mono Black. Certainly, Mono Black may be better in some regards, but Pestilence is better in others.

    DC_Casanuda, I’m glad to hear that you like the videos. Do you have suggestions for further videos or ways of improving them?

  3. Technically the videos were fine and i liked your commenting. Some matchups werent super exicting, because the deck ist build to beat aggro in the first place, it has extreme matchups, so thats fine. In the future i would like to see more Tier 2 / Tier 3 pauper decks and not so much the established archetyps. Playing the dailys for myself quite often (though not hardcore grinding), i like seeing brews with ideas, not decks i play against all the day. Your play was fine, sure there were some missplays, but thats totally ok, and it would be schocking if there werent any

  4. in the last game vs UR Post, dont killing the mulldrifter and fizzle capsize was a missplay, which can happen. but i dont think you can board out grim harvest, the matches go very long and augur – grim harvest is really strong against them and perhaps your only way to get along with cardadvantage IMO

  5. I liked the deck and may try to acquire the cards to play with this deck!
    I like decks that do unfair things like having creatures with come into play abilities combined with ways to get them in and out of the graveyard.
    Granted, your opponents seemed to be oblivious to interactions that were on the board or cards that they had already seen you return to your hand but that doesn’t take anything away from the deck.

    As a suggestion for trying to cut down on the misplays, maybe you want to think through the entire turn from the beginning and make sure you know exactly what you expect to happen and how much mana you need to leave open. Maybe it was just because it was your first time doing a video or you are not yet that experienced with the deck and that’s why you were making a lot of mistakes.

    Maybe a little bit of both. I have never done commentary while recording before but I can imagine it can be distracting and even the level of play for a pro can suffer (I’ve seen it happen countless times on CFB). But, in general, I find if I am very familiar with my deck, I tend to make fewer mistakes.

    The other problem is that your deck is so grindy that you actually need to play faster. You were lucky that neither round 3 or 4 went to a third game because I’m pretty sure you lose on time. In fact, when you are getting that low, I think it is perfectly acceptable to tell them audience you are going to comment a lot less during the game so you can focus better and play faster.

    I don’t really understand why MTGO lowered the amount of time from 30 to 25 minutes. It doesn’t seem to be a problem in a fast draft format like ISD but I’ve probably lost 5 matches to time that I otherwise would’ve won if I just had 5 more minutes. Very frustrating.

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Awesome videos, very conscious of hitting/breathing into the mic. It’s refreshing to find a player who makes the same plays i would, but also notices and points out misplays when they happen.

    Any chance you could do an esper or UW momentary blink daily event next? :D

  7. Hi Michael,
    as others mentioned before, it might have been due to your first time recording, but all the misplays (especially you failing to play around your opponents outs you fear so much) make it very hard to watch. Luckily, your opponents also make sufficient mistakes.
    I hope we get to see how ThePolkaMan got to his reputation.


  8. Enjoyed the videos, might be nicer to watch if you close the text box on the right of the screen.

  9. Very nice videos, I enjoyed them very much, especially once you turned off the MTGO sounds.