1. I’ve watched this deck on stream from almost the inception, and have even built it in paper (with permission of course). I can’t tell you how much fun this deck is.

    The first time my LGS saw it in play, no-one knew how to handle it and I x-0′d a local.

    I do, however, completely agree with Dan – Kaboom! for the win…

    Great article, great deck, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Great article! Keep up the good job, Mr Stealthpants, I’ll try to catch up with the stream, like in the beginning!

  3. ptenbob said: “’I’ve watched this deck on stream from almost the inception, and have even built it in paper (with permission of course)….”

    Asking permission is sweet of you, but it’s Magic, not sampling Toys in the Attic. :P

  4. Dear “anonymous”,
    We tried Phyrexian Unlife but went against it because if it gets Abrupt Decayed that can be a big problem. Also 3 CMC can be stressfull on the manabase if we want to hold up for Faith’s Shield or Angel’s Grace