If You Build It…: Bantchantress Game 2

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  1. Awesome videos, I love watching them. It would be sweet if you showed new cards that are played by you or your opponents more (that blow-up the card thingy). I’m having problems following sometimes, because I don’t know a lot of the old cards.

  2. Where can I go for sweet EDH videos AND get a host who quibbles with people in chat while talking about fart rockets? MTGO Academy, that’s where.

  3. I will remember to expand the cards, Lunco. Usually when I endeavor to do this I have one or all of the following distractions: 1.) my diminutive roommate cartwheeling through the house and/or cooking like her life depended on it, 2.) a trifecta of cats incapable of making species-appropriate noises (that weird chirping in some of my vids is in fact my cat Hobbit), and 3.) a lack of retentive mental fortitude that stems back from the Cesarean Section that coughed me into this foul, foul world.

    I promise, I will try HARDER!!! For serious.

  4. My personal fav grammar error (beyond the multitudinous typos- go, editor, go!) upon reviewing this was : ” I foresee a giant salad being coming down next turn.” What the health?!

  5. Please do not encourage inertia in my sad, old life. It’s hard enough in the morning (late afternoon) to put pants on.