If You Build It…: Big ‘Drazi Game 2

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  1. Dude your roommate called me a nerd. That is not cool, we’re not on that level yet.

  2. Haha! Apologies. She’s like my fav person on earth, so you have to forgive her!

    And one hr plus ain’t nuffin’, son son! I could talk nonsense for eons, if given the platform!

    This is where you guys compliment me and stuff… ahem!

  3. Well I liked this vid. It’s a shame ‘trisst’ was such a sore loser. The endbattle was pretty epic but I don’t understand how our opponent could sacrifice the permanents he did.

    Eitehr way, grats on the win. And of course the cool cards in your deck. Smacking down with Eldrazi is pretty awesome.

  4. ^- That was really me, not a random imposter making a comment like me with my name :P

  5. Thank god I’m not from the US… so I’m not a nerd right?
    Nice video as always. Though I’m missing some stories in this one.

  6. What stories are you missing, my foreign friend? Allow me to reach into the translation bank and pictogram this shizz your way!

  7. i haven’t finished watching it because it takes me forever to load, but i was so confused because of the positioning of the people’s commanders haha
    i spent 5 minutes trying to figure out why the omnath guy only played plains…

    seems interesting, this is my first time watching this format on MTGO

  8. Like the skeleton story or the one about you band. The skeleton story was so hilarious.

  9. On your extra turn from Emrakul, why not just fetch All is Dust with Eye of Ugin? You kill his commander, his Mesa, his Pegasus tokens, and your Woodfall Primus, which then comes back to kill Eternity Vessel. Then you attack with the Annhilator 8 team, and he can’t just sacrifice tokens anymore.

  10. Because, Zim, that would be GENIUS! I was too involved in Facebook, being weird, and trying to find pants to go that route. Good call though!

  11. Correction: read Eye… “Colorless CREATURE.” So I couldn’t. So meh!

  12. Btw Travis why don’t you ever F6? Even during the first turn of the game before you’ve cast a spell, you don’t F6. What’s up with that, bluffing Force of Will or something? :P

    Wait even that doesn’t fly with your general. So seriously, why not? It wastes so much time for everyone that you all have to press ‘ok’ for every phase/spell. Those first few turns could go so much faster. And when you’re tapped out, those later turns could go a lot faster, too.
    Of course you can only change your own behaviour, but you could set a good example for everyone to follow.

  13. Dang. I always though Eye could find anything colorless. That spoils a deck idea I had.

  14. Nice vid as always. But no tweaks at all? What’s up with that?
    ./sad panda
    Also you weren’t very chaty this time around. Perhaps you should drink more while playing?
    Your always winning anyways :-)
    Like the others said, I was missing your stories!

    How’bout playing Consume the Meek btw.? Guess ist isn’t very good in commander, but would fit your theme perfectly.
    Also carddraw of some sort might be nice to keep things rollin’.

    PS: Sorry dude, but I gotta ask this question: Is your roommate hot? She def sounds like she is :o

  15. His roommate is his mom…like most Magic players in there 30′s…he covers it up well, by calling his mom by her first name.

    Anyways you should post these vids on youtube…so i can watch these vids on my mobile, while driving a school bus full of children.

    I wonder who would win if all 4 players brought their best version of an Eldrazi deck. I definitely seen at least 2 versions including this…and Sasaya’s, Orochi Ascendant. You should call out Eldrazi players in commander…would make an interesting vid IMO.

  16. Zage, I def was laggin’ hard on this vid; once I discovered I could ramble around on my mac without the screen capture revealing my doings I just got a little sloppy. Apologies, indeed, esp. to my opponent’s that had to wait for me to quit looking at pictures of weird fish while I chatted up my roommate. I didn’t share much in the way of yarns this time around, but I actually had to play more, as this deck is a bit more interactive. I can only regale you fools to such a degree before my A material dissipates and I am left making sound effects and going on about my cats.

    My roomie is very hot. She just won 53k on Wheel of Fortune, which makes her infinitely hotter.

    I did make one edit: Return to Dust in over Crime/Punishment. When you’re as good a builder as me, sometimes you don’t gots to edit much.

    Lastly, f youtube!

  17. youtube seems to be the only video format i can watch on my G1…so its whatevs…some reason though youporn hasnt worked lately.

  18. @Travis: No probs, just keep that F6 in mind in future games please, for our sake :P