Kool Runnings: DDII 4-Pack Sealed

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  1. 4-booster sealed is a weird one. We did one on our TwitchTV channel where we actually got to resolve a Grimoire of the Dead. It was pretty awesome.

  2. I had the feeling that Geralf’s Mindcrusher must be a bomb in this format. Milling seems so overpowered when you start the game with a 23 card library.

  3. I think you had the right build but I don’t think you needed 14 lands. That’s a ton – equivalent to 18.7 lands in a 40 card deck. Would have just thrown a Faith’s Shield or an Elder Cathar in there.

  4. I don’t understand why I can’t see any video anymore? It’s a blank space at the place of the video?? Am I the only one, it has been like that for a few days now.


  5. What browser are you using? I use Safari most of the time, and sometimes the image of the video player doesn’t load, and I have to click in the blank white space where the video should be. Then it loads just fine and plays. Is that what’s happening to you?

  6. I use Explorer, I can’t change it at work but maybe I should use either Safari or Mozila at home? Thanks

  7. Yeah I had the same problem. Switched from explorer to chrome and I can now watch the vids easily enough.

  8. @Prophet @Carrot: This is our secret project to purge Internet Explorer from the face of the earth. The fortunes the Mozilla foundation and Google is throwing at us to support the cause don’t hurt either ;-)
    On a serious note we will look into the issues and see what we can do. Thanks for posting.