Let’s Play Modern Constructed: Esper Hate and Doran

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  1. Theory is that it gets better because it doesn’t lose anything, but now all its hate is worse against an unknown field, so…

    I guess I think it’s weird that they banned a bunch of cards before the format had a chance to adapt to a bunch of UR combo and inconsistent one-turn kill decks. Sure, it’s lame getting killed on Turn 0 by a red Chancellor Goblin token, but that happens so rarely that decks like that punish themselves. Too bad. I feel like this Doran build was well-positioned against the field because all of its efficient guys do something disruptive vs. those combo decks. No GSZ means more room for other cards, I guess, but you can still run seven or eight Dorans with Harbinger. And GSZ couldn’t find Spellskite or Sculler anyway.

    Maybe Mono-White Iona will have a place in the field. :P Or not, since it was running Cloudpost.

  2. Im not sure if youd agree with me or not, but if control rises due to the “”"”slowed down”"”"” format, I think this deck becomes worse, especially since gsz cant find teeg to fend of doj/wrath/damnation/ consume the meek/cryptic command/bsz, or whatever wrath effect your opponent is playing.

    HAHA what if polymorph becomes viable.

  3. “I feel like lagging a bit”
    christ you guys are funny. fantastic set, keep up the almost-tier 2 brews.
    /me starts the doran set

  4. funny how you mention the mulligan system isn’t intuitive. it seems in every magic vid i’ve ever seen players say “do you want to mulligan?” out loud. i wish instead of having “yes” or “no”, they just had one button that said “MULLIGAN” on it, with a cancel button off to the side if you don’t want to.

  5. In that last game of Doran, I can’t for the life of my figure out why you shipped the turn without Thoughtseizing him. If he Wrathed his own win-condition, you should’ve guessed he had something in hand to replace it with …