Limited Resources: Innistrad Draft #2

Draft and Deckbuilding

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Innistrad Draft, Round 1

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Show Innistrad Draft, Round 2 »

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Show Innistrad Draft, Round 3 »

Sorry, no Round 3.

  1. You are passed Undead Alchemist again for a solid card and i get a feeling you undervalue it. For me this card is a legitimate bomb. If it doesnt get killed it fast it makes combat steps pretty hard for your opponent. Even if you dont have any other zombies, most of the time they will undercommit to their attacks just to not get blown by it, and you have plenty of time to setup turn when you manage to squeeze one hit in. And after that board state gets even more complex for them. Alchemist is good enough even if you arent playing any other zombies, and with Stitched Drake its insane.

  2. Hey Marshall,

    You talk about cards being rated highly, is there a resource you’re using for these ratings?

    I’ve listened to a few of your LR podcasts, great stuff btw, but was hoping maybe there’s something out there I’ve missed in terms of ratings of cards for limited.


  3. Kheltar,

    In their Innistrad Commons/Uncommons review episode, Marshall and Jon review each card in Innistrad and both give each a rating from 1 to 5.

  4. Hey Marshall,

    Match 1 Game 3, after he declared blockers you can throw the torch @ him and sac the cathar to kill him outright as opposed to give him an extra turn. If he had removal (victim or something) i think he would’ve used it earlier. At that point after blockers are declared, even a spidery grasp wouldn’t have saved him!

  5. Nice draft, I think your deck ended up great. Sucks to get mana screwed.. Just curious, why wouldn’t you consider running a singleton swamp for the flashback of Spider Spawning? Your mana is actually very good (even though your deck didn’t want to cooperate), with only the Chapel Geists requiring double of any color. If you didn’t draw the swamp then no big deal, you just wouldn’t be able to flash back the Spawning, and if you did draw it, it wouldn’t really affect your mana much. Keep em coming, love the vids!

  6. There are a few picks here I’m not a huge fan of, but the only one I think was outright wrong is Mulch over Shimmering Grotto. You don’t know if you’re going to need Grotto or not (though as it happens it would’ve been fairly useful for you for random flashbacks on Spider Spawning and such), but you should know by that point that your deck is never going to want Mulch – you’re just not interested in putting guys into your graveyard and you’re on a low enough curve that drawing an extra land or two isn’t worth two mana for you. Grotto should have been an easy pick there, I think.

    I’m also, FWIW, a big fan of Undead Alchemist (though it sucks passing Stitched Drake in the same pack) and would have gladly snatched it out of the first pack, but that’s personal preference…