Limited Resources: M13 Draft #4

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  1. I would love it if you could do a Ravnica draft next week. Not only is it the best format ever, it’s even relevant with the Return happening next month.

  2. love that you pulled that trumpet blast in literally the last possible pack. Nice draft. Games should be fun.

  3. Very fun. It’s nice to see you drafting a high-variance deck for a change, although naturally, the Trumpet Blast deck is a lot better when you’re the only person drafting it.

    One of my favorite things about your videos is that you give credit to your opponents for their skills when warranted, which is not something every streamer or pro player does.

  4. As much as the Battle Jester ability is good situationally, I find that it’s not a powerful enough effect to come down on turn 4. Whenever he makes my aggro deck, I know my deck isn’t doing quite enough. Obviously it didn’t help to have another player drafting exactly the same deck and stealing your spears though.

  5. There is a lesson here : don’t build a draftdeck around a card you don’t have yet. If you wouldn’t have gotten that extreme late trumpet blast those tokencards would all have been useless…

  6. Hi Marshall, seems like your round 2 opponent was doing a stream too :) It occurred to me when I have seen the harbor bandit that didn’t attack.

    It is actually pretty cool to see both sides of a match commented. I think it would also be a great way to playtest.

  7. That’s funny, because the last time I drafted RW in an 8-4 queue, I went 6-0. This wasn’t a good example of RW aggro; too many finishers, not enough early damage. The guy in round one was poaching a lot of the key cards, so Marshall’s deck ended up really top-heavy. He did the best he could after committing to that strategy, but the cards never came.

  8. This was really interesting to watch it from both sides. I saw Marshall’s first and wow were those public executions complete blowouts. Great stuff.

  9. When you finished up I thought “this deck looks solid, I hope you don’t run up against one of those UB mill decks” :(

    Also, LSV drafted a very similar deck today and crushed with it. The video’s up on CF’s website.