Limited Resources: Magic Online CUBE Draft #2 (Fall 2013)

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  1. Match 2; 14:20 I do belive, that the right play here was playing fertile ground and suspending that cloudscate. That way, it would come into play exactly after ajani reaching 8. (leaving you with 5 mana for batterskull)

  2. strip mine deserved more consideration p3p2 i think. it’s super strong in the format and you would’ve been rewarded w/ crucible next pick :p

  3. R2G2, you definitely should’ve suspended the Cloudskate- with him at 4, it means that even if he manages to remove the equipped Finx he’s on a two turn clock. It ended up not mattering, but nuts & bolts, right? There’s really no downside I can see and it could’ve made a huge difference.

    R3G3 the suspend decision was even more clear. You wanted to put pressure, but you dropped Phantasmal Bear- something that just dies to Ajani’s +1, costing your opponent nothing. If you decided on dropping Fertile Ground over Finx (a good play, since you needed Batterskull asap and Finx gains the same life at any given time), you should’ve used the 2 mana to suspend cloudskate. Suddenly Ajani ult isn’t a consideration because the bounce comes in first. You can untap any attackers he gives flying & double strike to. Somewhere down the line you have another blocker and/or a flying threat for a replayed Ajani. Maybe the opponent even blows Ajani’s counters trying to force in extra damage and you can bounce something else.

    Maybe I’m tempting fate, but I honestly cannot believe K-man (you know who I mean) hasn’t posted about the beta yet, especially given that it crashed. Maybe they’re on vacation.

  4. Your resolution is off (black bars on the sides). I though something was wrong with my TV :P

  5. I love your content Marshal, but as a spike I have to say these 3 matches were filled with misplays. I covered R2 already, but R3 had several big ones as well.

    R3G1 you walk Batterskull into the counter, instead of Meloku, when Batterskull is probably the better threat (especially given that you had upheaval in hand). Meloku + Upheaval is definitely a nonbo, as far as I can tell. Then you use Meloku to bounce lands, even though you already need to use Upheaval next turn to deal with the titan. Then you attack Tamiyo with the tokens instead of your opponent even though you’re about to bounce her with upheaval. No consideration for leaving them as blockers in case upheaval gets countered. R3G2 goes off without a hitch, but R3G3…

    You knew they had Dismiss since you Remand(ed) it into their hand. You know they’re probably going to use it on any creature since you have Opposition. You could have tapped the Chrome mox with Cloudskate, cutting off Dismiss mana. Cutting off dismiss = having another creature in play, assuming no other counters [aside- we don't know when he drew the counterspell they did end up getting, there were 2 draws after the Dismiss]. Taking the land for 4 life then leaves you with Civic into Kira. If they had another counterspell at that point, you get Kira into play a turn earlier and protect Cloudskate. If not, you deny them any red mana and threaten Chandra with lethal. Chandra probably never gets to ult with 2-3 creatures on board + opposition, and you don’t have to rely on their punt to survive. Or their other punt further down the line.

    Man, that person straight up handed the game to you. Twice. They really need to listen to some LR.

  6. Loved seeing the TTC from your opponent in R1G2

    I agree that exploration seems good for this deck. I’d love to hear the reasoning on why you said you didn’t like it. Especially after saying you were interested in Explore shortly before that.

  7. artifact beast ninja or dragon ninja? WHICH IS BETTER??? I CAN’T TELL.
    I’m going to lose sleep over this

  8. I know Exploration isn’t that amazing of a card, but if there was ever a deck for it, it was this one. When you passed it the second time, you had both Upheaval and Meloku.