Limited Resources: Return to Rise of the Eldrazi Draft #2

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  1. I haven’t seen it yet, but let me tell you one thing, Marshman . . . I’m looking forward to it.

  2. It is disappointing how your match against Greedy McFiveColor went, but overall . . . great videos

  3. The Beta client really does seem to crash for you a heck of a lot more than it does for anyone else I’ve seen use it… You might want to try fiddling with your VM settings, see if anything helps. For me, the beta got a lot more stable when I turned down the graphics acceleration settings in my VM… not Parallels, but something similar might help for you. You also might want to try asking Graham what settings he uses… I haven’t seen the beta crash on the LRR stream in a long time. Really, it crashing this often isn’t normal, and suggests to me that something is going awry with the virtualisation… the beta does do a lot of weird graphics stuff, and if something’s not being emulated properly, I can see it causing bad times (it could also be causing the slow loads you were seeing when you were passed a new pack of cards in the draft portion).

  4. @#1Fan the 5 Color-Deck wasn’t that greedy, because the umbras are really good. The deck also had fixing and ramp, so why not play the umbras?
    The power level of all packs wasn’t that good. The set is called “Rise of the Eldrazi” but nobody casts an Eldrazi ;)

  5. Round 1 game 1, opponent should have probably cast the invoker and given that haste on his last turn, which forces Marshall to block. He’ll still probably lose, but would have given an out.

  6. I agree with JC. I don’t know why you auto-hid the Surreal Memoir. It’s very good with all of your removal.

  7. Glad to see ROE drafts by someone who isn’t just forcing the green ramp deck.

  8. Plague demon is good, worth stretching the mana, war chariot is not good, surreal memoir should have been included

  9. @JC,
    I disagree, 4 targets for surreal memoir is not enough to warrant running it. It is going to be a dead card too often.

  10. Marshall what’s up with all the crows in the background? Sounds like you are recording from The Wall lol.

  11. Wall of text incoming.

    TL;DR. White sucks. Hellion Eruption’s a bomb and is the ideal top end to any R/X aggressive deck.

    Those packs in Pack 1 were pretty weak, or at least weak when they got to you. But, a few things that hurt as I watched Pack 1:

    Makindi Griffin is not ‘really good’. White is remarkably miserable in this format. The best white in the format doesn’t stand up to the decent cards in any of the other colors, IMO. I’ve always had the idea that if you’re playing white main then you’re either the sucker at the table who thought ‘hey White’s open!’, or you unfortunately got forced into it.

    Zulaport Enforcer isn’t bad. In fact, it’s very good and perhaps a more appropriate follow up for an aggressive B/R deck. The Merfolk is better than both of them.

    Pick 4 you dissed Hellion Eruption which, I have to strongly disagree with. Needing creatures in play shouldn’t be a problem on turn 6-8+. If you don’t have enough creatures to satisfy yourself on casting Hellion Eruption you are probably very far behind and facing lethal. You only need 3 to make it decent. 4 or more and you can threaten a lot of damage or turn a losing board into a stable/winning board. Vendetta is good, but Hellion Eruption is so much better than anyone gave it credit for. It’s a great top end to whatever R/X aggressive deck you are looking to build.

    Pick 5 — you pick a card that not only cares about you having creatures in play, but it’s so much worse than Hellion Eruption (and in a worse color).

    Arrogant Bloodlord is not good. People see the 4/4 for 3 and I think completely ignore the ‘get chumped by an eldrazi spawn and he dies’ drawback.