Limited Resources: Scars Block Draft #3

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  1. During Match 2 Game 1 you discuss Tel-Jilad Defiance on the replica several times but you forget that you’d also drop the Lashwrithe if you made that play.

  2. I realized after rewatching match 2 that our thought process behind tel-jilad defiance wouldn’t have worked out, seeing as how lashwrithe would’ve fallen off the elf if we gave it pro artifacts >_> Who cares though, right? Boom shaka laka

  3. c’mon, Marshall! stop teasing… just ask Kenji to be the permanent LR cohost and get on with it! you two are perfect together. (and then, in a perfect world, you could have Sam as special, once a month guest!)

  4. Great show guys. Nice deep analysis, and the play was pretty good. Having bombs in nice…

  5. When he leaves the U up and you backed off casting the engine due to steel sabotage concerns, one option would have been to cast the Necropouncer to test the waters and either get the all-clear for next turn, or draw out the counter.

    Plus, I wouldn’t have misclicked. You are the worst. The. Worst. (OK, maybe I’m just jealous because you can draft on Magic Online and I can’t.)

  6. I too miss the fighting — but Numot + Malachi is working pretty well. Keep it coming!