Limited Resources: Theros Draft #2

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  1. I would have liked to see you stick with the white deck more often – the possibilities it offered seemed sweeter than 2 unsummon scry.

  2. I think the blue version is better. But my version would be play both blue and white! Why not play 1 Island main, because the walls are really good. Your mana base wouldn’t be hurt that much. You only need 2 black for any spell in your deck.
    I would have picked one travellers amulet, so you could be 3 color. I mean that deck is one color with 2 splash-colors.

  3. Loved the deck, I can’t get enough of Gray Merchant.

    But for such a “nuts and bolts” guy, I’m amazed you missed the attack R2G1 with your fleshmad.
    When he had a dryad bestowed on his other dryad, and both your removal spells are instants, you can attack all out, then kill his guy, then kill the other guy.
    Tapping an already attacking Steed does nothing, and it’s 2 points of (admittedly unnecessary) damage.

  4. I wish you had stripped the Eidolon in R3G1 instead of the Courser, it might have made the difference. You have plenty of defensive creatures that can stop or trade with a courser, but bestow is pretty great against you.

  5. This was just a horrible set of first picks: chimera is NOT a good card and certainly not a first pick, every removal in the set kills it and it’s upside is laughable. The right choice was the eidolon, so you could freely take the merchant pick 2 and not feel stupid for hatepicking merchant number 2…
    Just get off that blue horse !

  6. Thanks for the videos Marshall. I think that running your Harpy into the Savage Surge was a mistake in that last game. You can just attack with your 3/3 then your opponent either has to take 3 or 2-for-1 himself. If you can eventually clear the skies then the harpy has huge upside to staying alive – more than worth just getting a trick out of his hand (especially when you know exactly what the trick is already)

  7. Why not block the double striker M3G3 at the end there. He’s swinging in with everything, which means he probably has pump. Chump the double striker. Survive. Hope to draw one of a handful of spells that just kill him.

  8. missed the perfect opportunity for a “yo dawg. i herd you like leafcrown dryad. so i bestowed a leafcrown dryad on my leafcrown dryad so i can reach while i reach” m2g1

  9. I do not presume to give strategic advice to someone with a better limited rating than me, or take into account I have the benefit of not doing this in real time. Oh, and I totally get the fact that picking apart others plays after the fact serves no purpose other than bolstering my own fragile ego — no magic player ever.

  10. Thanks for the video, Marshall, love them all. Overall play was great as usual, but I definitely yelled at the screen when you blocked the nessian courser at the end. There’s no way he’s playing something that can block 4 guys next turn, so he’s dead no matter what. (unless he plays a creature and can target anthoussa, but then you’re dead anyway). If you think about it, there is very nearly no situation that you can lose in if you block the fabled hero. The game’s going to end in the next few turns anyway, so I think you have to wrap your arms around *certainty* and make the play that best assures that you can’t lose the game.

  11. I was surprised that you didn’t comment on the two Pharika’s Menders that went by in pack 2, even to say “the self-mill green-black deck doesn’t really get there” which may well be the case.

  12. Am I missing why you wouldn’t take out the Unknown Shores when switching to the blue version of the deck? The only point in the white version was to occasionally activate the Returned Phalanx and an island does that better.

  13. @Sean: I was thinking the same thing. Would have been better off with an extra Island.

  14. @chairlord: Marshall is, according to all available evidence, all about nuts and bolts play. One would think he wants to know when he made a nuts and bolts misplay so as to avoid them in the future? The draft calls are less clear but still interesting.

    Also, aren’t you kind of pulling the same self-satisfied “good thing I’m better than those guys” ego boosting?

  15. In game one of match two, you could have cast removal after declaring attackers. The steed’s tap drawback doesn’t remove it from combat.

  16. No-one else yelling at Marshall to block Anthousa?

    Also, dislike Voyages End followed by Disciple, and keeping the Swamp when scrying at 5 mana. Upside of the swamp: certainty of playing a kill. Downside of the swamp – 1 card advantage.