Limited Resources: Triple New Phyrexia

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  1. Triple NPH is fun stuff. Rage Extractor is the temptress that never seems to work out.

    My problem with it is that if it comes down on turn 4 or 5 which means that you have probably played out a few cards and most likely only have one or two phyrexian mana options. When that happens, if you only have one phyrexian mana card in hand it is as if you played a delayed burn spell that costs four or five mana. Artillerize is better. If you have a large threat density of phyrexian mana creatures then i could see it working out because every extra phyrexian mana card you play is the VALUE of the extractor. But then you wont always hit it on turn 4 or 5, sometimes you top deck it when a real removal spell or creature that effects the board would win you the game. So I am not saying its always the wrong pick but people tend to WAY over value the card in triple nph and most of the Rage extractor decks in triple nph never make it past rd 1.

    Blinding Souleater plus Blind Zealot are actually quite good together but against a golem deck Blinding Souleater is a bear that cant even trade with anything but the 1/1 guys. The golem decks are really good but rely on getting passed some amazing uncommons in packs 2 and 3. It happens but its rare. One thing i really like in this draft format is that because there is so much removal you rarely lose to a bomb from the other guy.

    Four toughness is the magic numbers. Four toughness can block a Porcelain Legionnaire but three toughness creatures die to the golems and dies to the Porcelain Legionnaire. Deceiver Exarch is good Porcelain Legionnaire removal.

    Enjoyed the video! I always enjoy your lively commentary and its nice to know that everyone loses too… its not just me.

  2. I really am not a fan of 3x small set drafts. And this one is no different than any other. You passed a lot of blue flyers trying to force the Rage Extractor. You’re deck would have been beastly as RU.

    Looking forward to full set drafts! :)

  3. You had a nice deck but the opponent had an even nicer one. It happens.

  4. Marshall flying solo!!!

    P2P3 (or 4) — Why didn’t the leeching bite get any love? Not even a mention. Is this card not as good as I think? I value it pretty highly and find it is often removal or 2-1.

    @the greedy deck R1: I’ve run 4 colors before in this format where I’m two main colors with a splash and the other land is a one off where I figure it isn’t hurting my mana base that often and I never get stuck in a spot where I have a completely DEAD card in my hand (it looked like he had it for the spined thopter). What do you think about this?

  5. Marshall was always my favourite part of the duo, so yeah – I love your voice. What do you use for capturing the sound?

  6. I usually love 3x small set drafts, but I just hated this format. Glad to see Marsh is keeping this series going.

  7. The deck had good balance it was unfortunate that you didn’t see any removal except for the infection. Would have liked to see the extractor get going and what would have happened with the corrosive gale. Personally I would have picked up the triumph of the hordes and splashed green. Always a pleasure to watch and I look forward to the next draft.