1. Iheard you complain about the mana base, but that will be much better with Gatecrash due to the 4 copies of Stomping Grounds!!

  2. Yeah, I’ve been waiting for six months for stomping grounds to make this deck playable. I loved the GR aggro deck in Innistrad Block and the that standard environment but it always needed stomping grounds. Really looking forward to jamming this once Gatecrash finally releases online.

  3. After seeing the last 2 rounds I think it is clear the deck has to make a decision. The deck is aggro, of the deck is control. For example, aggro is Hellriders, controlish is Huntmaster. Aggro is wolfheart, controlish is tragtusk. As you can see is that all the games you won, you drew or the controlish cards or the aggro cards.. So with Gatecrash I think you have to make a decision whether to go Aggro or Control. I think aggro is the best way to go.. But I think Boros is better aggro with gatecrash.. (silverblades in boros f.e.)

  4. To Marc and Robin, I do love this deck has been a favorite of mine since Dark Ascension was released and I do think it will be a deck to beat after Gatecrash comes out. But I don’t think has a problem with finding a balance between being control or agro. The threats you mentioned as “Control” are just the threats more resilient to removal. That’s why I like this more than Boros because most of its threats require more than one answer to deal with them.

  5. Hey Ryan, great to see someone else playing this deck. I picked it up after it was featured by Marc Lalague (I probably misspelled that) in a Starcity Coverage event. And I’ve come to really like it in the current standard environment. Any thoughts on the changes you’d make to it? Aside from the obvious “Add 4 Stomping Grounds”. I’m tempted by the Ghor-Clan Rampager making an appearance, and maybe moving the Huntmasters to the sideboard, but I’m really not sure. I just want to attack at the moment and so maybe over the Thragtusks or some such.
    But returning to my point, the deck is quite good, or at least it has been in my current meta. Took down two fairly competitive FNMs, and this is looking like the deck for me once Standard PTQ season starts. :)

  6. I have been testing Gruul on Magic work station with Gatecrash and I still like the deck quite a bit. Ghor-Clan Rampager is actually very good think it might replace Huntmaster in the main deck like you mentioned. Also Experimental One is surprisingly good too, becoming a 3/3 or 4/4 pretty easily.