Overdriven! 47 (part 2)

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  1. Congrats Blippy, very good article as always. And also excited about the upcoming “Dark Wars”. I don’t have FoW but I can always play another deck without it. Looking forward to receive more information about this new tournament.

  2. So much garbage, so little to actually say.

    Editors, instead of giving this guy TWO ARTICLES, you could do your job and cut back his jungle of worthlessness into something, oh I don’t know, digestible?

    Your site is otherwise great, and your authors can take criticism to heart (unlike Blippy — for proof see his replies to his previous article) and have a lot worthy of people’s attention. This mixture of middle school Photoshop “skills” and stream-of-conciousness rambling help no-one.

    Please, for the sake of everyone’s dignity, some kind of intervention is needed.

  3. Sorry you don’t like the article, SP. A big reason that we like and support Blippy, though, is because he offers a unique style that, while some find indigestible, others find humorous; he also does a lot of good work for the community managing PREs, which is quite a bit of work.

    Your criticism is appreciated, too; please feel free to offer it again, though I suspect that appealing to universal dignity is a bit of an overstatement.