Overdriven! 48

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  1. As always, very usefull information for Modern players.
    About the Wizards announcement on their results reporting policy I dissagree too. Eventhough I don’t use it much, whenever I wanted to start playing a new format looking at the results from Daily Events was a good starting point, and it gave you a chance to begin swimming with the sharks.
    Anyway, I am sure you’ll manage to get around this.

  2. you’re not the only one still angry, think people just loose steam when you realize there’s nothing you can do to change and how it often seems no matter how loud you yell no one’s listening.. quite wrong to see that 62% missing

  3. I’ve never agreed with wizards MORE. I wish any deck you played had an ‘OPT IN” feature. I used to make pretty steady money selling tech/decklists…now any clown can copy/paste and attempt to run it. Takes all the mystique and mystery out of the game. Hopefully they keep squeezing this till there are no current decklists and people actually have to use their own brains to meta. rant off~ ;)