Common Denominators: “Top 5 in each Color”

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  1. Hello again guys I hope you enjoyed the video. Once again I would love to hear your thoughts on the video and what you would like to read/watch for my next article :)

  2. Good into – the pauper format is a beast of its own and as this shows it often starts with cards that are off the radars of many constructed players. Some of the card choices might be quibbled with – but as I said: good start!

    While I normally don’t like prerecorded videos this was fine as an introduction to the format. If you are going to do more videos please consider recording live.

  3. I agree that live is typically the way to go however when you’re trying to cover a variety of cards from different colors it’s a little more difficult to do.

    For discussion’s sake what card choices did u disagree with, why, and what cards would u replace them with? I know some people wouldn’t agree with all of my choices and actually did that on purpose to a degree to see what others thought and hopefully get people active in this discussion. :)

  4. Control on control is about land drops! Although landing the Chittering Rats was a reasonable T3 play, that Crypt Rats was not. Play the Probe unkicked to get those wasted Innocent Blood out of your hand and draw some much-needed lands! Otherwise he’s so firmly in control that nothing relevant will ever get through.

  5. Also, not playing the Corrupt around the Strands was probably a mistake yes, since I felt he telegraphed it pretty well. But the RIGHT play there was Nausea and flashback the Crippling Fatigue, killing both.

    I appreciated the video though, if only because I didn’t know Cripling Fatigure exists and now I want to get some. :)

  6. Ya crippling fatigue is one of my favorite removal spells. Infact i like enough that i wanted to rate it in the top 5 for blaack but black is such a deep color and fatigue doesn’t see enough play i couldn’t grant that wish.

    I was well aware of my mistakes in the control vs control match. What i was trying to do there was be more aggressive then my deck really is and pray for lucky draws to back up aggression. I was well informed on his deck as we’ve play tested together and My blue/black deck is still quite rough in that its tuned nearly exclusively for the aggro match ups.

    As for the WW match I’ll admit I just had a huge brain fart there and the second he played the first strands I knew the game was over. And truthfully I hope by showing that it’ll show that anyone is prone to mistakes, but also why I rate the Strands as a top 20 card in pauper.

    Though If you look at my match vs the elves, I pulled a fast trick with the crypt rats. See if you can spot it. :)

  7. agg it ate my first comment :(

    The first thing I asked before playing elf ball was how popular MBC had been (as I think it’s the worst match up in the format, mabey RDW vs dedicated life gain is worse, but it’s close.). I prolly should have given my self a different answer but I was pretty set on playing combo that night.

    I saved my creatures with timberwatch because you play so much removal in your deck I can’t allow your creatures to be turned into removal too. Not to mention you were at 20+ life, and baring any of your 12? wraths, having an additional creature on board was much important than 4 or 5 damage.

    fade away and blastoderm have been powerful and are a nice adition to a “power list”. The only card that stuck out like a thorn was tusker. I used to play 2 of in my cloak deck but I’ve sense taken it out for stronger cards. It’s still ok with wild mongrel but I still only play 2 of in thresher. The only deck that I can think of that plays 4 is kodama’s thunder and that’s never been the most popular deck.

    I’d replace it with Silhana Ledgewalker even if it’s only played in cloak.

    Great video overall and I really liked the insight into MBuC, so keep em comming. :)

  8. “For discussion’s sake what card choices did u disagree with”

    I would say your green list has the most room for discussion. You didn’t list any elves – probably because you didn’t list any single goblin (hard to pick just one!) but, surely Nettle Sentinel, both as a “vigilant” 2/2 and a key cog in elf mana production is more impacting than Nacatl – who is also just a 2/2 one drop most of the time in the format?

    Similarly River Boa is a solid card, but with the popularity of edict and o-ring effects combined with the fact that you often have to hold it back until turn 3 vs. goblins in order make use of the regen ability… makes it a good card IMO rather than a top 5 card.