Quiet Speculation: 2011 Core Set Hotness!

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  1. What do you think of promo condemns and mana leaks? At what price would they be worth getting/selling?

  2. i was just talking about hoarding dragon with some friends yesterday and i thought it did seem like it had potential. Thanks for basically adding to that opinion.

  3. Grave Titan does seem like ‘just another finisher’, while Green Titan and Blue Titan both bring a special benefit to the table. In most decks, Abyssal Persecutor is what you’d want to replace with Grave Titan, but thing is…no one played Persecutor. Bad sign for ol’ zombie bones there.

    Nice article, agree with most of the speculation :)

  4. I totally agree on all cards.

    Promo Condemn and Mana Leak sadly don’t have a lot of market. They sell but not for much and not very often (unless you have a playset). I have mine in my trade binder and every always flips right past them as if they didn’t exsist. I’m appauled by it but such is life. I suppose I’ll just play with them in my almost all promo Pyromancer’s Ascension deck (Bolt, mana leak, pyroclasm, burst, etc etc)

    Grave Titan has been sell for me since I saw it. Sure it is a highly effective win condition but all the Titans really are. The others have decks they fit in better. Heck Inferno Titan can kill faster than Grave Titan if you just need a heavy hitter. I’d say Inferno Titan is the least valuable Titan and will see the least play standard but it’s easily the best red finisher in standard. Arc Lightning is extremely punishing when it comes with a 6/6 firebreathing monster. (I love killing jaces with his ETB trigger).