1. How does Gideon compare to Jace TMS? Will they end up the same, or does Jace go up now again since ZZW is going to be drafted lightly?

  2. I just thought I’d drop a note and say that I pay attention to your predictions, sometimes following them when deciding when to pick up cards. Keep ‘em coming! It’s hard to know what to think about middle cards like Consuming Vapors, Eldrazi Conscription, Devastating Summons, Eldrazi Temple, etc. It’s useful to hear your reasoning on why you think they’re good pickups or not.

  3. thanks that was useful and made me feel I didnt sell my all is dust for too cheap at 10tix

  4. Gideon wont go as high as Jace because Jace is good in all formats, even legacy. Also, decks are likely to run 3-4 jace but decks that run gideon run 3 at most, more likely 1-2. Gideon is also not playable in legacy and probably not in extended.