Rags to Riches: Week Eleven

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  1. I think you are right thinking the second half will go much faster. I hope you continue to do this or something very similar after you reach your goal.

  2. I’m interested in seeing what the major collection value amounts to- how many tix and what big cards?

  3. i make around 40tix each week trading on mtgo. i never got this foil business though, never would i have guessed a foil 10ed rare would be worth 25 tix to some people. seems there is still alot to improve for me.

    thanks for the article

  4. Really enjoying this series. Also it’s nice to read some articles rather than watch videos ;)

    Would you have any special tips for someone that’s starting the trading game on MTGO?

  5. Short and sweet, these articles. I like it :)

    I look forward to seeing what you’re going to do now that you have the big bucks/tix.