Rags to Riches: Week Nine – Fun with Foils

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  1. So you went and bought the Smokestack at a website? I thought you weren’t going to add any more money past the ROE booster. Thank you for the foil list I’ll be sure to look out for them.

  2. I think he ordered it off a website and paid with tickets ingame.

    Thanks for the foil list!

    Does the MTGOcardtraderbot have the same prices/inventory as the website’s store?

  3. Wow, the MTGOcardtraderbot sounds *very* appealing. I look forward to using it…tomorrow!

    Oh and nice trades as always, but I’m sure you don’t need a random joe to tell you that =)

  4. The Smokestack was purchased with tickets I earned with my trades of course. No outside money is flowing into the system as that would obviously defeat the purpose of this series. Thanks for the comments!

  5. i’ve been wondering, what are your thoughts on the foil phyrexian negator now? you’ve had it for 6-7 weeks without having been able to sell it. mtgotraders currently prices it at 7, which would be great, but then a human selling to a bot would maybe be able to get at most 4.5? have you perhaps found any bots buying it?

  6. As indicated in one of the early episodes the Negator will be a tough sell. The only reason I took the card was the fact that I got it dirty cheap and cannot really lose on it. I think 7 tickets is far to optimistic for the card though and would probably be happy to sell for 4 to 5 now.

  7. For cards like the Negator that are a long time sell, so you always log in and then put it straight on to classifieds ‘Negator for 5′ etc and then leave it whilst you go about your business? Or is there a specific way you try and sell hard to flip cards?

  8. I was able to buy 4 negators off a bot for 3.5 a piece and sell them for 4.04 each, to Allfoilzonly. try to sell yours there :-)

  9. What are your thoughts on picking up some foil Valakut’s as the deck has been poping up everwhere in the top 8s of the recent nationals. I can see the value going up pretty fast once the green titan hits the market online next week?

  10. how high do you think they will go up though? at one point I found them on the 10 for 1 bots, but never picked any up until they started getting popular in block and with the possibility of transferring into the new standard. I managed to get 4 for 1, but now a lot of places are selling them for close to 1, and the foils I saw are either 1 a piece or more. so it would depend on how high you think they will rise to.

  11. I’ve seen in the past 2 weeks the regulars have gone from .2 tix to anywheres from 1 to 1.5 tix. and even when they were at .2 for the regulars, the foils were still at 1. So i think in the coming weeks they should hit 2.5 to 3 at least. I could be wrong but I have a good feeling on this one. I picked up 20 foils ranging from 1 to 1.8 tickets ( I’d say 70% falling between 1-1.2) so even if im wrong i might stand to lose 3 or 4 tix at worst and hopefully make 20-30 tix if im right.

  12. Basically what I’m trying to say is they have been on the rise for 2 weeks and that is just in anticipation that it is going to make the jump from block into the standard meta. I truly believe that at least for the next few months this is a deck that is going to be around while everone tries to perfect the G\R Titan Ramp.

  13. Yeah, I too have noticed that they were on the rise, and if that works out for you, it would be sweet! Similarly lodestone golem was a cheap rare and jumped to over 2 tickets when the new zendikar bllock constructed red deck came out…hope it works out for you!

  14. The series will continue next week. Due to extensive travel and movement over continents the author (me) was not able to contribute for a few weeks. We are going to get back on regular schedule soon!


  15. I picked up a Deadwood Treefolk foil for about 0.25, but I’m not sure what to set the sell price for. AllFoilzOnly offered me 0.029, so that’s not good. Has this list perhaps “expired” in terms of value? Perhaps in update in Part 11 might help us be on the lookout for the right shinies. :-)

    Thanks for writing a fun series! I’m looking forward every installment.