1. let’s just erase the part that says “divided as you choose” and make it a real card.

  2. Monstrosity seems bad…. Deadbridge Goliath was a vanilla 5/5 for 4 and saw almost no play. On turn 5, the turn after you play this guy if you’re on curve, you can deal 2 damage for 5, making him a vanilla 7/7 that maybe kills a 2/2 on the other side of the board but basically time walks yourself for 2 turns.

  3. I wonder how good Anax and Cymede are going to be. Seems like it would be at home in a token strategy but how many targeted spells can you realistically play?

  4. Im so excited. Buff up polukranos with master biomancer and give and take, then make it monstrous, wipe the opponents board, and then attack for game!

  5. @Neoptolomus: That Monster is a limited bomb!!! In constructet I also think not that good.
    @Crabbs42: This Anax and Cymede is just fine whitout a targeted spell! It is really cheap and first strike and vigilance is really good. Maybe or I hope so there will be more good Humans!

  6. Jacob, it works for X damage, not the number of +1 counters on it. It isn’t that good.

  7. Neoptolomus,
    you dont HAVE to do the monstrous thing on the next turn. perhaps sand bag it for later for when you need a mana sink and make it that much better, or play other things normally and still have a 5/5 for 4.

  8. Anax and Cymedes is not real names in ancient Greek. Anax also means king and more exactly is the mycanean word for it. Cymede never heard it before. I think there is a plant called that

  9. why is Polukranos legendary? I mean, I know since they gave him a proper noun for a name they have to, but is he really going to be that good in EDH?
    he’ll be good alone I guess, a creature you can stick +1 counters on at a moments notice, but out side of monstrosity I don’t see why he should be legendary, especially if there is other stuff with a monstrosity mechanic

  10. I can see someone going mono green ramp/mana reflection deck to make Polu do some things in EDH, but it doesn’t seem to be over the top. 1/1 counter theme and sac outlets. I’m waitin to see the Dieties for EDH

  11. just think, crypt ghast or Zhur-Taa Ancient on that baby. Just a bit more combat effective eh?

  12. I see that anax and cymede are going to be good, but not format changing. same with the hydra. it isn’t going to be prime time.

    though anax could be useful in a naya auras deck. trollhide and ordeal of purphoros, maybe some others. gladecover and witchstalker for sure as creatures. there could be something there, depending on the creature and aura support in the new set.

  13. I think you guys are talking about the wrong thing. Burning Tree Emissary and Satyr Hedonist? Creature storm baby!

  14. Ideally:
    T1: Forest, Elves.
    T2: Forest, Elves, tap T1 for Satyr Hedonist.
    Now have 4G + potential 3R
    T3: Forest, (5G + 3R or 3G + addn Satyr = 3G+6R)
    = Poluk Enters to become 7/7 with deal 2damage to one or 1damage to 2.

  15. This would be a gruul deck. So at T4 with 6G + 6R – potential to cast around 3xBloodrush GCrampager = 12/6 + 7/7 = 19/13 trampling Poluk… in an ideal world.

  16. *=12/12 + 7/7 + Rancor = 21/19Trample?… at T4 (obviously opponent has plenty of time to use removal by this point).

  17. nobody mentioned the calvery pegasys + annex and cymede combo flying fist strike vigulange and it you can target it with lets say an enchament and target it it gets +1/+1 and trample so flying first strike vigulane trampling 5/4 seems decent on turn 4

  18. Monstruosity will likely be underplayed … should have said “damage for the number of token put on Polukranos” … Then it would have been a killing combo with doubling season or whatever and greater good.

    Still too early to speculate on “heroic” ability … if you could combo with many other creatures possessing “heroic” … no wonder it excludes ability … (LIGHTNING GREAVES BRO!!!!!)

  19. I’m sure there will be some permanents that give a creature that has been turn monstrous some kind of effect or bonus

  20. Is it weird that I am more excited about the cavalry pegasus than nything else here.. O.O

  21. So every one keep say that this hydra is bad and that monstrosity is bad. Is no one remembering the fact that kalonian hydra was just printed? so u drop him durn 3 because its green u run farseek and mana dorks. Then turn 4 kalonian hydra turn 5 moster him for 2 then attack making him a 9/9 must kill. Meaning that now they have a choice to kill the kalonian hydra or the 9/9. Him and exava will be seeing play in the jund 4 slot.