Standard Spike: Innistrad Draft

Draft and Decklist

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Draft Round 1

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Show Draft Round 3 »

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Twitter: @theshipitholla.

  1. you could improve your draft skills a lot i think. even if it’s one of your first drafts in the format i would say its not that great :/

  2. You were getting passed solid black cards the whole first pack, but you held off because you wanted to play the Voiceless so bad? I don’t get it.

    Then you pass the Charmbreaker because you don’t want to move into red even though you only have 2 unremarkable white cards.

    I think you committed to white after the first pick for really no reason, staying more flexible would’ve given you a better deck I think.

    Also, “Hate drafting isn’t very smart”, then you hate the Curse over one of the best white cards in ISD.

    And one last side note, I’ve never seen that many scholars in a draft before, there were like 5-6, insane.

  3. Any Reason you just over looked the Rebuke in your first pack? Spirit is absolutely infinitely better than the interloper. You seem to overvalue some cards while undervalue other cards for some odd reason. You’re definitely lucky to have gotten fed all that blue.. Definitely a Mediocre Draft

  4. A lot of criticism here, the draft was fine.

    That said, you slow roll silent departure oddly in several rounds. It is a tempo spell, not removal – spend it early and often to maintain tempo.

  5. I normally love all of the content you upload and your constructed videos is the best content on mtgoacademy in my opinion, but I think ppl are right, this draft was odd.
    First the drafting was pretty bad, you overvalue cards like interloper as ppl already mentioned, you don’t see the signs of open colors like black was in this draft and you hatedraft instead of improving your deck, which is just not that important in an 8/4. For example you hatedraft the curse, which yeah… destroys your deck, but on the other hand you need to face this opponent, who might just lose against a werwolf deck or something like that which just doesn’t care about this card most of the time and even if you face it, your opponent still has to draw it and handle the rest of you flyers who will survive. And it comes down turn 5, which is pretty late.
    Second you play way too fast without thinking about all the posibilities, which is normally one of your strengths in my opinion in constructed. For example the Silent Departure play round 1 where you could have bounced your creatures to protect them from the Cultist to use the Departure as a removal. Of course you get a tempo swing, but he’ll lose some of his creatures.
    I don’t know if all of what I said is correct, cuz I’m not a professional player, but even I see, that there is a lot of space to improve.

  6. You say in your draft that you usually don’t hate draft, then you almost immediately hate draft the curse over an awesome card in your deck???

  7. Charmbreaker Devils is definitely worth at least a splash, it is a complete bomb if it gets up and running. A much more solid pick over a Moon Heron, even if you don’t end up in red, especially since you already have a Scholar. Obviously you didn’t know you were going to open a Heretic’s Punishment, but both cards are easily worth a red splash on their own, both would have been insane.

  8. I don’t think there’s a blue deck in this format where I’d want Heron #1 over Scholar #1. Heron’s fine but Scholar enables some ridiculous turns and is one of the best Skaab/flashback enablers there is.