Standard Spike: Standard 8-Man with Frites

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  1. Hey Michael,

    Tried to piece together what is there from the audio track and the video because it was strange that you didn’t board anything into the match with Mage-Blade Delver. I know there wasn’t much information from game 1 about his specific build other than it was UW and he had a Moorland Haunt out. But, after game 2 where he clearly showed you he was playing Geist of Saint Traft, I would have boarded in at least a couple of grudges. I would also have boarded the Memory’s Journey in as well. As to what to board out, I would think you could cut a Elesn Norn, Huntmaster, and possibly a Inferno Titan for the three. I also think you could have boarded in Sword as well for another two Huntmaster. I will admit that I haven’t playtested this deck, but in concept it seems you’ll win by keeping an Elesh Norn on the board and not by keeping Huntmaster on the board.

    Also, the sideboard is a bit extreme to me. I know the plan in some match-ups is to switch it up to become more of a Naya Aggro with the Geists and Swords, but why the four Ancient Grudge? I could see a couple of them, but against what deck would you ever board in all 4? No “real” deck runs Cage and the decks that do don’t run more than 2 that I’ve seen lately. Also the decks that Cage hates aren’t well positioned in the meta-game right now, so I don’t think you need to fear it so much.

    That aside, I do have one question which is why run only one Gavony Township? Since you’re already running 7 mana critters and 4 mulch, why not have a 2nd? The mana base does look a little tight, but I would think the flexibility against some decks you’re soft to (like control) to Township up your 1-drops and tokens would be huge.

  2. PS – bummer about the sound in R3. Listening to Michael parse play decisions is what really makes set this series apart from most vids. Is there nothing that can be done to fix this? I know camtasia is a fickle beast to work with at times so occasional recording glitches are unavoidable – but if the only problem is that sound and video are connected incorrectly then that should be fixable.

  3. I’d say from testing that this deck is one of the most difficult to get the grasp of. It’s really easy to make the wrong play. As for going to a ptq, I’d recommend as much play testing as possible. I’ve been testing a puresteel-trinket mage deck that actually whips out graffdiggers cage very consistently. I really support the ancient grudge/ ray of revelation package. Jin-Gitaxias is probable irrelevant. I might consider just adding an extra mana source to the sideboard.

  4. Robin, thanks for the note. We agree that the decision-making is what’s truly valuable in these vids, so we’re working on the issue.

  5. Great videos, thanks for posting!

    When siding in the aggro package (Strangleroot Geists and swords), would it make sense to board out some of the Mulches? There are going to be more times when you don’t want to be sending a creature to the graveyard, so I would think that taking one or two of those out over the Tracker’s Instincts (which lets you keep a Strangleroot and mill a titan for example) would make sense.

  6. Sorry about the audio. I’m not sure what’s causing that. If I can’t manage to fix it then I’ll dub over vids in the future.

    @LoydT I didn’t board against Delver because I felt like the md game plan was exactly what I wanted in the matchup and nothing I had in the board was worth having. I have since added a pair of Whipflares to the board (over 2 grudges) so now I do have something worth bringing in, though I still don’t really know what I’m cutting yet.

    On Township, I actually have even cut the single copy from the deck. The mana isn’t great and I would rather have another Forest than Township a lot of the time.

    On the name, I watched Levy do the deck tech and he said the name is Frites meaning “French Rites,” so I figure that’s how it’s pronounced.

    @Torpesh My plan when bringing in the Sword package is -4 Elesh Norn, -2 Rites, -2 Titan, and when bringing in Rays or Grudges I think I’ll take your advice cut 2 Mulch.

    The sideboard for this deck is not like other sideboards. You can play super narrow cards like Grudge, Ray, and Journey because in most matchups your md plan will be just as good in G2 and G3. The exception being when your reanimation targets suck, which is why I have the Geist-Sword package. But since I still don’t feel like I need all 4 Grudges, I made room for something else and that slot is currently going to Whipflare.

  7. Peeps need to work on phonetic spelling: “freets”. “Free-tes” is pronounced “Free-tez” which is stupidly wrong. As someone mentioned, it is a French word the translates to “fries” roughly. Languages other than English are tough.

  8. I’ve tried this deck out, personally I find the match up vs control to be terrible, the board plan is not effective against decks with phantasmal image, which is a huge concern. You are boarding in different threats that still use the Graveyard.

    If you want to try a deck I’ve been fairly successful with, check out and

    I used those as inspiration and I’ve been having much more success.

  9. Hello, I have encountered similar problems when the hard disk you are recording to has to little space or the memory is burdened with multitasking various applications and programs at the same time. Make sure you have enough disk space
    and try to avoid running to many programs – maybe that helps. Nice vids :-)