Standard “Two Man”: Open the Vaults

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  1. I kept on hoping you would draw a Borderpost to free your Swamps. Spreading Seas always ruins my matches too. :(

    Is it worth swapping the UW post for another UB post? And have you considered a single Sharuum the Hegemon? I’ve seen it floating around in some lists.

  2. Yeah this was a tough matchup. I like Gerry T’s take on the the deck.
    He goes with lands that can’t be ruinblasted, and has some more artifact acceleration.

    The problem with open is it is reliant on having open the vaults in your top twenty to thirty cards. You can run more draw and cyclers to find it but then you sacrifice early defense. I’ve done alright with the deck but have lost versus what are probably good matchups because I haven’t drawn open.

  3. Hey Chris,

    Yeah I was tinkering with the number of black cards and probably should of had more sources. I think sharuum might be pretty good as a 5th pseudo open the vaults. It is probably better than the 4th angel

  4. inneutral – Hey that is some decent tech, I like it. I think open the vaults has some potential if you are willing to put some time into tinkering.

    Truth be told I am now playing naya allies. I’m usually not a huge proponent of the more aggressive decks but once every few years a deck comes along..